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Being an idiot, I set up my entire KODI database using the root


But the geniuses at Netgear have stipulated that the Internet MUST be available at ALL times for smb://readyshare to be recognized. My guess is that Netgear's servers must field a TON of calls? 

"Yes, this is a Netgear router. I'm reaching out to Netgear on the Internet, as I'm unaware what readyshare is?"
"Oh - hello one of our millions of routers. No worries. Let us check here... just a moment... ah, it appears that YOU are readyshare!" 
"Oh, thank you kind Internet! So when should I check back in with you about this whole readyshare identity?" 
"Oh - EVERY TIME anyone EVER wishes to access readyshare - you MUST connect via the Internet so that can again reassure you that you are the router referring to yourself and that you may continue to do so until such time that the Internet is down, at which point you simply refuse service to yourself." 

So... the only way around this madness is to go back in time and instead of EVER using stupid readyshare - use smb://

Because if I attempt to edit a file source via KODI's GUI - replacing the stupid readyshare with - 

KODI just ain't having it. Nope, it wishes to dump every record that makes a call to readyshare and recatalog everything again with the correct file location? My guess is that each file has the complete reference URL? Heck if I know? 

If that is the case, I don't know if possibly I might just be allowed then to use a database program with a search and replace -

Or, better yet, possibly just use VSCode's AWESOME search and replace - 

Find "smb://readyshare/"
Replace "smb://" 

Then I tell it to replace all, hit enter and my problems are solved? Or not? 

I obviously have absolutely no clue. 

All I know is that Netgear is apparently garbage. I have no even beyond earthly idea WHY the stupid router wishes to contact the Internet every time it needs to identify itself as readyshare? 

But it absolutely does. If the Internet happens to go down while I'm watching anything? KODI of course freezes up. I'm guessing it's then lost hunting the suddenly non-existent readyshare? 

Meanwhile, I'm guessing the poor router is near to frying itself with its identity crisis?


Seriously even - how much Internet traffic are Netgear routers wasting constantly checking with the Internet to find out what readyshare is? 

Anyhow - back to addressing the issue with KODI - 

My guess again is that I should replace any and all references to smb://readyshare/ with smb:// - and that would then relieve the poor router of constantly dealing with its self idenity crisis on the Internet? Poor thing... 

I do know that VSCode has AWESOME search and replace - but I don't know which files, how many files, whether that's appropriate, or if VSCode can even open the files? 

I'm obviously just beyond highly irritated with the stupidity that is Netgear and hoping to find a fix for my router's identity crisis. 

I live in a rural area, and my ISP has a rather nasty habit of dropping my connection, especially on the weekends when I have time to watch a movie. 

Thanks SO VERY MUCH for any help!
(2022-11-21, 08:58)CodyLane Wrote: My guess is that each file has the complete reference URL? Heck if I know? 
Yes, it is located in a few of the databases.

(2022-11-21, 08:58)CodyLane Wrote: Find "smb://readyshare/"
Replace "smb://" 

Then I tell it to replace all, hit enter and my problems are solved? Or not? 
You could try that, and you would need to edit MyVideos and Textures databases. Also the MyMusic database if you use the music library.
Create a backup first.

But I recommend a different approach. One that will work and you won't need to cross your fingers and curse a lot.

Export your library to Separate Files. This will create nfo files next to all your video files.
Delete the Sources out of Kodi.
Fix your network paths.
Add the Sources back.
Run an Update Library and Kodi will load the nfo files
Hopefully you have local artwork. If not, expect some artwork to be missing as artwork links should be thought of as having an expiry date.
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(2022-11-21, 09:07)Karellen Wrote: Export your library to Separate Files. This will create nfo files next to all your video files.
Delete the Sources out of Kodi.
Fix your network paths.
Add the Sources back.
Run an Update Library and Kodi will load the nfo files
Hopefully you have local artwork. If not, expect some artwork to be missing as artwork links should be thought of as having an expiry date.

I use the Backup program to create backups - I don't know if there's a different "Export your library" command in settings? 

What I'm dearly hoping not to lose obviously is - I think? - what you're saying is in those nfo files? All of the info, the artwork, etc etc. 

If I try to add the sources - or change the sources - Kodi asks me to stipulate the types of files in the directory, which database to use, all of that. That's the step I'm very much hoping to avoid obviously, with the nfo files hopefully stipulating that? 

I've worked really hard - minimizing artwork through Image Optimizer on my Mac - so that all of my files will "fit" on my FireStick. 

But the FireStick obviously doesn't have much storage. So I'm guessing any exports would have to be done to the network drive? Otherwise the FireStick would likely just fill up and Kodi would exit with an error or just freeze up? 

Basically, I understand enough about this to FTP to and from my FireStick with ESExplorer cranking up the FTP server. 

And I also beyond completely understand that, as a KODI guru, you most definitely don't have time to be walking me through a solution to my own idiocy. Heck, I appreciate you even bothering to reply. 

I'm just relating that I don't understand what it is you're recommending that I do? 

I was hoping I could just edit whatever files are in the KODI directory - I think VSCode allows search and replace to apply to a directory? - 

My "easy way out" would then be to FTP the Kodi directory over to my Mac - minus the thumbnails - open that directory in VSCode - run a global search and replace for the offending "smb://readyshare/" with "smb://" ???? 

Otherwise I guess I'm just SOL - 'cuz I most definitely can't be pestering you for a walkthrough on how to export WHILE dealing with the storage issues on the FireStick - etc etc? 

And, whatever I do, I'd most definitely have a backup. I just don't know what I'd then need to do, once I THOUGHT the fix was in, to test to make certain things were working? 

Again, thanks VERY MUCH for the time you've already taken to reply. Absolutely not wishing to hassle you further.
Having to use the Internet for any type of local network access is BS imho. Using a local file server, you'll need to make sure that the server has a fixed IP address at all times so all other connected devices in the network know where to find the server. How that is established in your router will be your problem/challenge.

You can edit the contents of the sources.xml quite easily. The bigger challenge will be adjusting the content of the SQLite database flle, named MyVideos119.db . This is not a normal text file, but should be treated as a database file. I have no experience with bluntly editing a sqlite file with basically an ASCII editor, so you're on your own there. Using a dedicated SQLite database tool that processes SQL commands is much safer. This somewhat outdated wiki link will give you some idea as to how to go about updating paths.
Oh - but given you're on Team Kodi - 

It would be awesome to be allowed to just easily change the root? 

With the same Netgear router - if you change drives, it formerly changed the reference - Drive T: would the old drive, with the new drive labeled U: 

So I had the same problem I'm dealing with now. Back then, I just had KODI redo the whole database ;) I was moving from a 1TB drive to a 4TB drive. 

But it would obviously be beyond awesome to just be allowed to easily change that root reference, rather than having to recatalog everything from scratch? 

For all I know, Netgear could just decide to more honestly rename ReadyShare to OnlyReadyifInternetisWorkingOtherwiseNotReallyaShare? ;) 

If I changed routers, though - I'm guessing I'd be dealing with the same problems with renaming the root?

No clue if enough folks might face the same problem, though? Or if any change would just cause too many other problems? Obviously heck if I know?
(2022-11-21, 09:43)Klojum Wrote: Having to use the Internet for any type of local network access is BS imho. Using a local file server, you'll need to make sure that the server has a fixed IP address at all times so all other connected devices in the network know where to find the server. How that is established in your router will be your problem/challenge.

You can edit the contents of the sources.xml quite easily. The bigger challenge will be adjusting the content of the SQLite database flle, named MyVideos119.db . This is not a normal text file, but should be treated as a database file. I have no experience with bluntly editing a sqlite file with basically an ASCII editor, so you're on your own there. Using a dedicated SQLite database tool that processes SQL commands is much safer. This somewhat outdated wiki link will give you some idea as to how to go about updating paths.

You actually understand this stuff - WHAT in the #*$# is going on with that? The router doesn't know it's readyshare unless... how many "calls" would it then be constantly making for no reason whatsoever? "Mom, am I still me? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom?" to infinity and beyond? 

I don't understand how that could even be allowed? Why would an ISP put up with Netgear's identity crisis? "SHUT UP!!!! YOU ARE READYSHARE!!! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE READYSHARE!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!! ONE NINE TWO DOT ONE SIX EIGHT DOT ONE DOT ONE - YOU MORON!!!!! READSHARE IS YOU ARE READYSHARE!!!!" 

I think I'd spend less time having KODI just rebuild from scratch as attempting to edit what I don't even understand in a program I don't understand ;) 

And sorry - I added my last post before reading your reply - 

BUT - if there would be any way to facilitate more easily switching the root? That would obviously be awesome. 

What I'm gonna hate more than anything is redoing my James Bond movies. I found some really cool artwork for the series - gonna have to rework all of that... 

More than likely, though - I'll just keep screaming at the router every time the Internet goes down - just switch over to VLC to access the drive only known as Readyshare when the Internet is working.

OH! What if there was a way to just tell Kodi to stop hunting readyshare? Just tell Kodi internally - "readyshare is ALWAYS - so you can stop looking it up now."
(2022-11-21, 09:52)CodyLane Wrote: It would be awesome to be allowed to just easily change the root? 

I couldn't agree more. The problem however is that the overall video database schema is pretty much cemented in concrete, and big changes are not likely to be expected any time soon. I have some database knowledge, but I myself am not a C++/python programmer. There is an add-on that also does do video path changes, I haven't really used it as I simply didn't need it. So your mileage may vary. A simple dedicated add-on for path changes would be a better solution?
Couldn't Kodi just be told that readyshare is - to stop looking it up? 

Sorry, I edited my last response before seeing that you'd responded. 

But that seems like a cool guru type thing - or is that also crazy difficult?
(2022-11-21, 10:08)CodyLane Wrote: Couldn't Kodi just be told that readyshare is - to stop looking it up? 

Not sure what OS you are using, but a hosts file may solve your issue.
(2022-11-26, 19:34)Stone Wall Wrote:
(2022-11-21, 10:08)CodyLane Wrote: Couldn't Kodi just be told that readyshare is - to stop looking it up? 

Not sure what OS you are using, but a hosts file may solve your issue.
My thought as well.  I guess this is android so no idea how you do that.

scott s.

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