Kodi retains deleted .nfo metadata after refresh
After adding my video library (with .nfo files maintained by Tiny Media Manager) to Kodi 19.3 on a Shield, I realized I do not like the "tagline" information cluttering up the plot view accessed from the context menu of Arctic Horizon 2. Using TMM, I removed all taglines when present from every .nfo in my collection and can confirm these taglines are no longer in the .nfo files.

However, even when I remove the source, clean the library, and re-add the source using local information only, I am still left with these residual taglines. Refreshing individual titles also changes nothing.

I've even tried using the Metadata Editor Script add-on to see if I can remove them manually on Kodi, but this shows "N/A" under "tagline," therefore there is nothing to remove.

Additionally, I've tried renaming the video and .nfo files to see if that triggers a fresh scan, but even this doesn't rid the taglines.

Other .nfo information and artwork that I've changed does update based on these steps but not taglines. Even though I use my own .nfos, my initial scrape was with TMDB set as the information provider before I knew to use "local information only." This seems to have populated other information like "Critics Consensus," which although not in my own .nfos, is still retained after a refresh. But I don't find this as annoying as the taglines.

Why are these deleted taglines retained no matter what I do? How can I remove them?
(2022-12-01, 20:01)tagline Wrote: Why are these deleted taglines retained no matter what I do?
Because there is probably an addon in the skin that is supplying them, like the Critics Consensus.
Best to ask in the Arctic Horizon 2 thread.
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Thanks. Will do. Helpful to know it's the skin and not Kodi itself.

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Kodi retains deleted .nfo metadata after refresh0