Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v19 favourites: no "play" and "information" in context menu
The context menu for videos shows different items depending on menu:
  • home screen: play, information, mark as watched, add to favourites
  • movie library: play, information, mark as watched, add to favourites, queue item, play next, play from here, manage…
  • favourites: move up, move down, remove, rename, choose thumbnail
How can I add "play" and "information" to the context menu under favourites?
(2022-12-04, 18:39)ilf_ Wrote: Anyone?

You can’t.
@ksooo: Yes, I am aware the current GUI does not give me that option.

But why is this?
Is there anything I can do to change this?
Would this be a good feature request?

I doubt I am the only user who would like that option.
Still true in Kodi 20.1.
Even though the v20 release notes announced Context Menu Consistency.
Filed a Feature Request.
Somebody with coding skills needs to step up and implement this. Seems nobody did this so far.
Yes, it needs someone familiar with the codebase to look into it.
But I believe it's probably not hard and not a lot of work.
So if Team Kodi agrees that this would be good to have, maybe create a roadmap/todo item and see who picks it up?
(2023-06-10, 16:04)ilf_ Wrote: Yes, it needs someone familiar with the codebase to look into it.
But I believe it's probably not hard and not a lot of work.
So if Team Kodi agrees that this would be good to have, maybe create a roadmap/todo item and see who picks it up?

You never ever should make any assumptions about implementation effort if you do not know the code base, really.

GitHub is for issues only, not for feature requests. You already have raised the request in this forum, that’s the correct place. Now you can just sit and wait. 😇

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favourites: no "play" and "information" in context menu0