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[RELEASE] myTV - TV Guide Script (with pluginsnew script)
email with log is sent ... again thanks for ur support here
megacrypto Wrote:email with log is sent ... again thanks for ur support here


did you ever manage to get this sorted, I have exactly the same prob - on the xbox and windows
yes, it was a bad installation.

Clean off your installation and empty the cache.

Download v1.18.1 and install.

if problem persists, pm me your xbmc.log, detailing which datasource you use.
Retired from Add-on dev
BigBellyBilly Wrote:yes, it was a bad installation.

Clean off your installation and empty the cache.

Download v1.18.1 and install.

if problem persists, pm me your xbmc.log, detailing which datasource you use.

still not joy, have sent you a pm. thanks
BigBellyBilly Wrote:yes, it was a bad installation.

Clean off your installation and empty the cache.

Download v1.18.1 and install.

if problem persists, pm me your xbmc.log, detailing which datasource you use.

sorry, but when you replied to my log email, you said it had something to do with directory structure under linux and that you dont have a linux setup to test it on .. as far as i can remember
Is it possible too stream to dm800 or 8000 ?
No streaming, it just manages Timers on a Dreambox.
Retired from Add-on dev
I've got v1.19b (from http://www.box.net) working with WebScheduler (now known as TV Scheduler Pro v1.0.0.0), and I was able to schedule shows. I was unsuccessful with even configuring v1.18, and didn't think it worth me spending too much time with an "old" version. Please let me know if I should try harder with v1.1.8.

A few comments:

1) First of all, outstanding script. Thanks heaps BBB.

2) I'm testing under XBMC for Windows. The "B" button performs an "EXIT" action instead of recording. I had to remove some matches to have it work for me. Backspace and Escape still let me exit, so I'm happy. But I don't know if I've broken things for XBMC for XBox - perhaps I should check for special cases of actionID==0 and buttonID==0. Anyhow, diff below.

3) I'm curious how the "B" button is supposed to work under XBMC for XBox. I don't have an Atlantis build to run it on (yet). But if "B" is made to allow recording, then how would I exit from the script?

4) I can't do useful stuff when I click a show with the mouse, and I'm not sure how to add support for it. I can catch the mouse clicks, and set the focus to the show's button, but the show ID doesn't get updated. Instead, whatever show was highlighted by the keyboard before clicking is the one that gets used.

5) I first tried to specify a different datasource (not pc_webscheduler). This fetched all the shows OK, but when I went to schedule a recording, it was not able to find the URL. It seems that a number of parameters (eg PROG_SCHEDLINK) are populated from within the data source - in ListingData.parseData(). Perhaps these values can have defaults defined within the saveprogramme code?

Thanks again for your neat-o work on this.

Diff for allowing "B" button to record:

--- myTV-1.19beta/default.py    2009-04-06 14:22:32.000000000 +1000
+++ myTV-1.19beta-jez/default.py        2009-04-06 14:25:42.000000000 +1000
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
                        buttonID = action.getButtonCode()
                except: return

-               if actionID in CANCEL_DIALOG + EXIT_SCRIPT or buttonID in CANCEL_DIALOG + EXIT_SCRIPT:
+               if actionID in CANCEL_DIALOG or buttonID in EXIT_SCRIPT:
                        self.ready = False
@@ -677,6 +677,10 @@
                                debug("< ON NAVLISTS CONTROL")
+                       # clicked or <enter> on programme, update the focus
+                       #messageOK("onClick(), updating EPG, controlID is %i" % controlID)
+                       self.setFocus(self.getControl(controlID))
+                       #self.updateEPG(redrawBtns=True, updateLogo=True, updateChNames=True, forceLoadChannels=True)

                self.ready = True
@@ -1711,10 +1715,10 @@
                        buttonID = action.getButtonCode()
                except: return

-               if actionID in CANCEL_DIALOG + EXIT_SCRIPT or buttonID in CANCEL_DIALOG + EXIT_SCRIPT:
+               if actionID in CANCEL_DIALOG + EXIT_SCRIPT or buttonID in EXIT_SCRIPT:
                        debug("ProgDescDialog() EXIT_SCRIPT")
-               elif actionID in CLICK_B or actionID == ACTION_REMOTE_RECORD:           # RECORD / cancel record
+               elif actionID in CLICK_B or actionID == ACTION_REMOTE_RECORD or buttonID in CLICK_B:            # RECORD / cancel record
                        debug("ProgDescDialog() CLICK_B")
                elif actionID in CLICK_X:


thanks for taking the time to give me your suggestions and mods, I rely on people to find problems, especially in Datasources and Saveprogramme modules.

B Button: I seem to have coded that out along the way. It should be that B and/or BACk allows you to return (ie showing description) and only BACK exists script only from main epg window. That would allow B to again be a direct button to 'record' I'll fix it.

Mouse: Not really given it much effort for mouse, but will try and get it involved.

WebScheduler: That requires the Datasource and SaveProgramme both to be set to Webscheduler. I'm currently going throu all DS & SP's but haven't got down to those yet.
TVData.PROG_SCHEDLINK is a bit of information that this datasource saves per prog and the (WS) SaveProgramme needs inorder to set a timer for it.

The v1.19 keeps getting pushed onto the back burner as I get involved with other little projects, but its definitely not forgotten.

If you've fixed something, by all means email me it (should be in readme.txt) and I'll merge it in.

Retired from Add-on dev
What does this script do?
Having a bit of a problem installing it. I'm starting with a fresh install of xbmc (babylon alpha 1) running on XP.

I tried mytv 1.18.1 (by running build.bat then copying the output to /xbmc/scripts/) but when I try to run it I get a "config save failed" error, and eventually an endless loop of errors if I keep pressing ok. Then I tried the 1.19 beta and it seems to start fine but when it goes to get the info from SchedulesDirect it gets hung at a "XMLTV downloading" windows indefinitely (trying to leave it overnight hung the whole machine).

TIA for any help.
If you've got a http://www.schedulesdirect.org subscription (it used to be free) and are willing to share it with me, for the purpose of fixing the datasource (for a short period) then PM/email me and we'll try and sort it out.

Retired from Add-on dev
anyone have a link to this or something similar? xbmcscripts seems to be down forever
try link in my sig
Retired from Add-on dev
I would really like to use myTV to setup scheduling for a MythTV backend using the SMB option for SaveProgramme but I can't find how to select the option. I can only see how to define a 'real' TV card or system, but not how to save to an SMB share as defined in the readme.
I've tried 1.18.1 & I'm now trying 1.19b but with the same results.
Can you give me a pointer plse? I'm running XBMC 9.04.1 on XP (is that the problem?)

Thanks in advance
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[RELEASE] myTV - TV Guide Script (with pluginsnew script)1