Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Smart playlist grabbing things it shouldn't
(If this is the wrong forum for this, please point me in the correct direction.)

I think this might be a Kodi bug, but it's possible I'm missing something.

I have a playlist that's a union of two other playlists:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
    <name>Evan: TV</name>
    <rule field="playlist" operator="is">
        <value>Evan: [aux] Tagged TV</value>
    <rule field="playlist" operator="is">
        <value>Evan: [aux] Tagged Finished TV</value>
    <order direction="ascending">sorttitle</order>

The first playlist, Evan: [aux] Tagged TV, correctly matches 146 items.  The second playlist Evan: [aux] Tagged Finished TV, correctly matches 0 items.  The union, Evan: TV, however, matches 147 items.

Evan: [aux] Tagged Finished TV is defined as

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
    <name>Evan: [aux] Tagged Finished TV</name>
    <rule field="tag" operator="is">
        <value>Evan Finished</value>
    <rule field="playlist" operator="is">
        <value>TV: Up-to-date</value>
    <rule field="playlist" operator="isnot">
        <value>Both: TV</value>

The extra item is tagged Evan Finished and is not in Both: TV, but it also is not in TV: Up-to-date, so it doesn't show up in this playlist (and, so, shouldn't show up in Evan: TV).  It's the only item tagged as Evan Finished, but if I tag another show with unwatched episodes, it similarly gets captured by Evan: TV

Up-to-date is defined as

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
    <name>TV: Up-to-date</name>
    <rule field="playcount" operator="greaterthan">
    <order direction="descending">sorttitle</order>
It's meant to capture shows with no unwatched episodes (and appears to do the job).

Any ideas?
(2023-01-04, 02:14)evank Wrote: (If this is the wrong forum for this, please point me in the correct direction.)

If it was the wrong forum, you wouldn't be using Kodi at all. :o)
I've moved the thread to the OS independent subforum for now.
(2023-01-04, 09:30)Klojum Wrote:
(2023-01-04, 02:14)evank Wrote: (If this is the wrong forum for this, please point me in the correct direction.)

If it was the wrong forum, you wouldn't be using Kodi at all. :o)
I've moved the thread to the OS independent subforum for now.
Thanks.  I hadn't noticed that there was an OS-independent subforum.  (Although it's possible that this is a Windows-only bug (if it is a bug) in any case.)
I was hoping you would get a more intelligible response before I put in my 2 cents but I guess not.

If I were in front of your computer I would compare all the outputs, find out what 1 extra item there is in the union list then try to find out why from there.

Since I don't have your exact items in my Kodi any comparison I did would not be the same as on your Kodi.

Hope this helps get you in the right direction.

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Smart playlist grabbing things it shouldn't0