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Does Kodi fall under "non commercial use" license
I'm working on an addon, I want to include an icon but it states "Non Commercial Use".

Generally, open source CAN qualify for commercial use however I don't believe Kodi actually IS commercial use.

Anyone know the right route to take here, I intend to submit it to Kodi's addon repo and I want to be 100% sure I'm not including anything I shouldn't be.

Icon in question would be for Hulu specifically, generally it will include more icons of the same nature for various streaming services.

GPL is pretty flexible in this case. It isn't limited to non commercial use.

You can do what you want other than changing the code itself. If you do that you should fork the repo and make your changes there.
Cool, I just didn't want any issues with the Artist or the Company who's logo I used.

beware of the difference of the kodi license (GPL v2 or v3 depending on the build options. e.g. if you build with samba-gpl3, which is default, the kodi binary will be GPL v3) and licenses or Trademarks for artwork.

see for details on kodi trademarks and for addon develepment related rules
Good to know.

With the restrictions, maybe I don't want to attempt to add anything to the Kodi repo.

Most my stuff is use case specific anyway, not so much general use interest.

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Does Kodi fall under "non commercial use" license0