Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
NFS is a Samba replacement?
For those of us less network/technically minded, what's the big deal about NFS as mentioned here ?
is it faster/safer/more secure?  where do we go to set it up?
NFS is just another file protocol like SMB/Samba, but is more commonly used on Linux systems. The protocol has slightly less overhead, so "could" be a tiny bit faster. But as always, your mileage may vary on your own network setup. For some people SMB works better, for others NFS will.
I think NFS came about in the Unix System V days via Sun.  There was an improved follow-on AFS but that didn't seem to become popular.  Samba was never intended to be routed while NFS uses common TCP/UDP as its transport and is a defined internet standard (RFC).  Samba is really derived from the old MS LANMAN days as a competitor to Novell Netware.  In typical BG/MS fashion it was designed to lock you into MS.

scott s.
Thanks both.  I'm sure there are interesting possibilities for this that will become clear in time.

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NFS is a Samba replacement?0