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Solved Activate a Kodi builtin from JSON-RPC
Sorry if this is covered elsewhere but I've searched google and the forums fairly extensively and haven't found it: How do you trigger a Kodi builtin from the JSON API? Do you have to make a Python script then call it via the API?
Check and see if this will work for you:

I'm not sure about the syntax and not even 100% sure that will run built-in actions.  But if it isn't that, it doesn't look like there is a way to do it via the JSONRPC calls.
(2023-01-21, 17:01)pkscout Wrote: Check and see if this will work for you:

I'm not sure about the syntax and not even 100% sure that will run built-in actions.  But if it isn't that, it doesn't look like there is a way to do it via the JSONRPC calls.
Ah, thank you for that. Unfortunately it looks like that only triggers certain predefined actions, which don't include the one I was looking for (ToggleDPMS) - it's okay, I've used the Python script workaround in the end.
Thread marked solved.

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Activate a Kodi builtin from JSON-RPC0