Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Amazon cube 3 gen video problem
Hello, I have a problem with Kodi on amazon cube 3 gen, I have all the sound outputs, but when I play a 4k or full hd movie and select translation, the movie keeps returning to the beginning I've already tried all versions. On Amazon 4kmax it works without problems. Does this happen to anyone and is there a solution?
Perhaps we can start with you enabling debugging in Kodi, to reproduce the problem(s), and then provide us a debug log (wiki) to see what is going on with your Kodi device.
Hello, I don't understand myself that well, but I know that when I add a translation for the movie, then the problem starts to get stuck and starts going back for 5 seconds and so on until I am unconscious.
On amazon fire stick 4k max, the same version works without any problems. And on the new cube, it sucks, although it has all sound and video channels.
@Bzoka listen to the advice already given to you and provide a Debug Log if you want meaningful assistance. Vague descriptions of what you are trying to do and that it isn't working won't help you or anyone else figure out what is going on.
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Amazon cube 3 gen video problem0