Help to set "UserRating" in a song using script
sagrath Wrote:It still broken... unfortunaly. The more strange is the rating tag work very well... bet the userrating no....

Ok. I'll look at it more when I get time and try to reproduce / fix. I know how to do it easily with direct database calls but Team Kodi frowns on that method.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2023-01-26, 01:54)jbinkley60 Wrote:
sagrath Wrote:It still broken... unfortunaly. The more strange is the rating tag work very well... bet the userrating no....

Ok. I'll look at it more when I get time and try to reproduce / fix. I know how to do it easily with direct database calls but Team Kodi frowns on that method.



So my good friend @jbinkley60 , I've just realise that is no need to use the If statement "if player.onPlayBackEnded()... blablabla"
I've just realise now, because I'm in home and testing the script in my regular kodi, with a lot of songs (before I was using im my work pc) and just try these:


import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import json

ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
ADDON_PATH = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path')

monitor = xbmc.Monitor()
player = xbmc.Player()

plflag = calculated_rating = 0

while not monitor.abortRequested():    
    time_parts = 1    
    if player.isPlaying():
        # Get the properties of the currently playing item
        result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetProperties","params":{"playerid":0, "properties":["type"]},"id":1}')
        media_type = json.loads(result)["result"]["type"]

        # Check if the media type is "audio"
        if media_type == "audio":
            plflag = 1
            # get all the needed times info from the song
            song = player.getMusicInfoTag()        
            song_length = song.getDuration()        
            time_parts = song_length / 11        
            current_time = player.getTime()
            # calculate the rating as the music is played
            calculated_rating = int(current_time/time_parts)
            # Retrieve the currently playing song
            result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetItem","params":{"playerid":0,"properties":["rating"]},"id":1}')
            song_details = json.loads(result)["result"]["item"]
            # Extract the song ID and rating
            song_id = song_details["id"]
            song_rating = song_details["rating"]
           if song_rating == 0:
                new_rating = calculated_rating
                xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("Calculated Rating", new_rating))
                xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "rating":%f},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))
                new_rating = int((song_rating + calculated_rating) / 2)
                new_rating = calculated_rating
                xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("Calculated Rating", new_rating))
                xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "rating":%f},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))
            #This notification is only to "see" the script working <-- THIS ONE WORKING
            xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("Calculated Rating", new_rating))
            xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "rating":%f},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))

Although the option to update userrating is not working, I took advantage of updating the rating is working, and tested it that way. As you can see, I put a simple use of If to calculate the rating, and to my surprise, when I skipped a song and started the new one, the count restarted, and the new song started to update the rating. This also happened when the song ended and the next one started without my intervention. That is, the songs will have their rating updated in a simpler way.

I'm still struggling here trying to update userrating.

But anyway, your help is being of great value.

(2023-01-26, 02:00)sagrath Wrote: I'm still struggling here trying to update userrating.

I think I looked at this too long today and missed the obvious.  Try this change:


xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%f},"id":1}' % (song_id, rating))


xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%d},"id":1}' % (song_id, rating))

You were trying to pass userrating with a %f which tells Python to pass it as a float vs. %d which is a decimal / integer.  %f is needed for rating, since that is a float type variable.

I think this will fix it.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2023-01-26, 03:45)jbinkley60 Wrote: You were trying to pass userrating with a %f which tells Python to pass it as a float vs. %d which is a decimal / integer.  %f is needed for rating, since that is a float type variable.

That's it!!! it's working!!!

Now I'm going to make it more reliable. I will do more tests!! Thank you very much!!!!!
(2023-01-26, 13:04)sagrath Wrote: That's it!!! it's working!!!

Now I'm going to make it more reliable. I will do more tests!! Thank you very much!!!!!

Good to hear.  I was bouncing yesterday between this and completing a major update for one of my addons and missed the obvious.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Ok!! Some progress!!
I confess that I "stole" part of the codes of the various scripts that I have in my main Kodi, but I swear it was for a good cause.
But it helped me to create a better, more "Pythonic" framework.
I was able to build this structure:


import xbmc
import xbmcaddon

class Monitor(xbmc.Monitor):
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_library_song = False
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        self.is_library_song = True
        xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(Music Started, OK)')
    def onPlayBackEnded(self):
        if self.is_library_song:
            xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(Music Ended, OK)')
            self.is_library_song = False
    def onPlayBackStopped(self):
        if self.is_library_song:
            xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(Music Stopped, OK)')
            self.is_library_song = False
monitor = Monitor()
player = xbmc.Player()

while not monitor.abortRequested():
    if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio():
        # Song has Started
        # Song has Stopped
        # Song has Ended

I made a whole class for the three commands: Start, Ended and Stopped. And within the While, the Calls for commands. And from there I got to this script:


import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import json

class Monitor(xbmc.Monitor):
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_library_song = False
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        self.is_library_song = True
        xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(Music Started, OK)')
    def onPlayBackEnded(self):
        if self.is_library_song:
            xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(Music Ended, OK)')
            self.is_library_song = False
    def onPlayBackStopped(self):
        if self.is_library_song:
            # calculate the rating as the music is played
            calculated_rating = int(current_time/song_parts)
            # Check if the music is stopped before 5 seconds
            if current_time > 5:
                # If song has an original "zero" rating, the new rating will be the pure calculated rating
                if song_rating == 0:
                    xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("New 0 Rating", calculated_rating))
                # If song already been rated, the new rating will be the original rating, plus the new rating and divided by 2.
                elif song_rating != 0:
                    new_rating = (song_rating + calculated_rating) / 2
                    xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("New Rating", new_rating))
                self.is_library_song = False
            # If the music is stopped before 5 seconds, no rating is calculated.
                xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("Song Stopped", "{} is the rating".format(song_rating)))
            self.is_library_song = False
monitor = Monitor()
player = xbmc.Player()

while not monitor.abortRequested():
    if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio():
        # Retrieve the currently playing song
        result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetItem", "params":{"playerid":0, "properties": ["userrating"]}, "id":1}')
        # Extract the song ID, rating
        song_details = json.loads(result)["result"]["item"]
        song_id = song_details["id"]
        song_rating = song_details["userrating"] 
        # get all the needed times info from the song
        song = player.getMusicInfoTag() 
        song_title = song.getTitle()
        song_length = song.getDuration()        
        song_parts = int(song_length / 11)
        current_time = player.getTime()    
        # Song has Started
        # Song has Stopped
        # Song has Ended

The code works just fine, (almost) the way I envisioned it.
The music starts, and if it is stopped before 5 seconds, there will be no note update. after 5 seconds, the evaluation will happen after the user stops it.
I say "almost" because there is still no way to identify when the song ends without the player stopping (and thus starting the next one in the playlist or when it skips to the next or previous one), and the evaluation takes place.

Any guidance?

By the way: 
What is the difference between "onPlayBackStopped" and "onPlayBackEnded"? At first I thought that Stopped would stop when the user pressed the stop button, and Ended when the song ended by itself, but in both cases only the def onPlayBackStopped(self): is executed. I got confused.
(2023-01-27, 20:18)sagrath Wrote: The code works just fine, (almost) the way I envisioned it.
The music starts, and if it is stopped before 5 seconds, there will be no note update. after 5 seconds, the evaluation will happen after the user stops it.
I say "almost" because there is still no way to identify when the song ends without the player stopping (and thus starting the next one in the playlist or when it skips to the next or previous one), and the evaluation takes place.

Any guidance?

By the way: 
What is the difference between "onPlayBackStopped" and "onPlayBackEnded"? At first I thought that Stopped would stop when the user pressed the stop button, and Ended when the song ended by itself, but in both cases only the def onPlayBackStopped(self): is executed. I got confused.

You need to add a third state to library_song = False if you want to detect a true playback ended vs.  playback stopped or a different variable that is true and false.  Right now both set a single variable to False.  In my pause vs. play detector I have two variables (set to 0/1 or true /false)which equate to isPlaying or isPaused.  Thus I can look at both variables to determine the true state of playback..  Look at this code and you see paflag and plflag .  This addon detects paused, playing etc. 

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Ok, more progress!!!

Even following @jbinkley60 tips (which by the way helped a lot!) I realized that I don't need to differentiate the type of stop in the song, so I decided not to use "onPlayBackEnded", just "onPlayBackStopped".

I took care of the logic that performs the evaluation calculations, and now the script takes into account the initial evaluation of the song. we still need to take into account the fact that if the song is stopped or skipped within 5 seconds, there will be no evaluation (after all, you can't evaluate a song just for the initial 5 seconds, right)

What I'm really having a lot of trouble doing is preventing a "refresh" effect, which I've even discovered to be caused by:  "xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params ":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%d},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))"

Bcause as the tag is updated, kodi keeps "refreshing" the screen . Here's a video of the effect:

Any ideia how to avoid this effect?

here's the code:


import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import json

class Monitor(xbmc.Monitor):
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_library_song = False
        # Unused variables for now
        self.current_song = ""
        self.playing_song = ""
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        self.is_library_song = True        
        # For a future try to idenfy the song change without stopping the player, 
        # when the song ends and the next one in the playlist starts.
        # if self.current_song == "":
            # self.current_song = xbmc.getInfoLabel('MusicPlayer.Title')
        # If the song has no rating yet, or the rating is "0", this will be its new rating.
        if song_rating == 0:
            new_rating = int(current_time/song_parts)
        # If the song already has a rating, here the current rating value will 
        # be added to the new rating calculation, to obtain an average rating. 
        elif song_rating != 0:
            new_rating = int((song_rating + calculated_rating) / 2)
        # Notification only to "see"the script working.
        xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("New 0 Rating", new_rating))        
        # Saving the new rating as the song progresses.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%d},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))
    # When the song ends, either by user action, or when the song is
    # the last in the playlist and the "repeat" function is disabled.
    def onPlayBackStopped(self):
        if self.is_library_song and current_time > 5:            
            # If the song has no rating yet, or the rating is "0", this will be its new rating.
            if song_rating == 0:
                new_rating = int(current_time/song_parts)
            # If the song already has a rating, here the current rating value will 
            # be added to the new rating calculation, to obtain an average rating. 
            elif song_rating != 0:
                new_rating = (song_rating + calculated_rating) / 2
            # Saving the new rating as the song stops.
            xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("New Rating", new_rating))
            xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%d},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))
            self.is_library_song = False
monitor = Monitor()
player = xbmc.Player()

while not monitor.abortRequested():    
    if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio():        
        # Retrieve the currently playing song
        result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetItem","params":{"playerid":0,"properties":["userrating"]},"id":1}')
        # Extract the song ID and rating
        song_details = json.loads(result)["result"]["item"]
        song_id = song_details["id"]
        song_rating = song_details["userrating"] 
        # To have all the necessary time calculations.
        song = player.getMusicInfoTag() 
        song_title = song.getTitle()
        song_length = song.getDuration()        
        song_parts = int(song_length / 11)
        current_time = int(player.getTime()) 
        # To avoid an error where the calculation would be divided by zero
        if current_time == 0:

        calculated_rating = int(current_time / song_parts)

By the way: This forum has a spoiler tag?
I'll look at more of your code when I get more time and see if  can answer your question regarding refreshing the screen.  One thing I see is that you don't check for a user abort.  This leaves Kodi to try and force stop your service script which could cause Kodi to hang or unexpected results.  I'd suggest the following change:

while not monitor.abortRequested():    
    if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio():        
        # Retrieve the currently playing song
        result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetItem","params":{"playerid":0,"properties":["userrating"]},"id":1}')
        # Extract the song ID and rating
        song_details = json.loads(result)["result"]["item"]
        song_id = song_details["id"]
        song_rating = song_details["userrating"]
        # To have all the necessary time calculations.
        song = player.getMusicInfoTag()
        song_title = song.getTitle()
        song_length = song.getDuration()        
        song_parts = int(song_length / 11)
        current_time = int(player.getTime())
        # To avoid an error where the calculation would be divided by zero
        if current_time == 0:

        calculated_rating = int(current_time / song_parts)
    if monitor.waitForAbort(1): # Sleep/wait for abort for 1 second
        break                   # Abort was requested while waiting. Exit the while loop.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Oh boy!!! very very thanks!!!
(2023-01-29, 21:44)sagrath Wrote: Oh boy!!! very very thanks!!!

You might want to take a look at this response.  I believe your problem is related to #3 but I need to look at your code more.  If you have executable code in your monitor class functions then it will likely run everything Kodi sends a notification / event message.  Doing a monitor class status check in in the monitor loop on a regular interval causes the code only to run on a 1 second interval (in this case) vs. firing every time a Kodi event is received..  As a good practice move stuff out of the monitor class to the monitor loop that you want to run on specified intervals vs. on Kodi events.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2023-01-29, 21:54)jbinkley60 Wrote: As a good practice move stuff out of the monitor class to the monitor loop that you want to run on specified intervals vs. on Kodi events.

Don't know if I'm doing right:
Move out all the stuffs that's inside the "def onPlayBackStarted(self):" to inside the "if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio():"
I left the stuff on "def onPlayBackStopped(self):" because (I think) it's not necessary for now. Let me know your opinion.
And create a check the monitor status and put 1 second to wait. This way, the "refresh" effect gone, but, when the next music in playlist is started, another "refresh" happen.

I know this is not a solution, Only a (very ugly) workaround. Still trying.

here the updated code:
(by the way: How it's possible to put the code with numbered lines like in the post you sugest?)


import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import json
import time

class Monitor(xbmc.Monitor):
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_library_song = False
        # Unused variables for now
        self.current_song = ""
        self.playing_song = ""

    def status_check(self):
        # perform monitor status check
    def onPlayBackStarted(self):
        self.is_library_song = True 
    # When the song ends, either by user action, or when the song is
    # the last in the playlist and the "repeat" function is disabled.
    def onPlayBackStopped(self):
        if self.is_library_song and current_time > 5:            
            # If the song has no rating yet, or the rating is "0", this will be its new rating.
            if song_rating == 0:
                new_rating = int(current_time/song_parts)
            # If the song already has a rating, here the current rating value will 
            # be added to the new rating calculation, to obtain an average rating. 
            elif song_rating != 0:
                new_rating = (song_rating + calculated_rating) / 2
            # Saving the new rating as the song stops.
            xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("New Rating", new_rating))
            xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%d},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))
            self.is_library_song = False
monitor = Monitor()
player = xbmc.Player()

while not monitor.abortRequested():    
    while True:

        if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio():        
            # Retrieve the currently playing song
            result = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.GetItem","params":{"playerid":0,"properties":["userrating"]},"id":1}')
            # Extract the song ID and rating
            song_details = json.loads(result)["result"]["item"]
            song_id = song_details["id"]
            song_rating = song_details["userrating"] 
            # To have all the necessary time calculations.
            song = player.getMusicInfoTag() 
            song_title = song.getTitle()
            song_length = song.getDuration()        
            song_parts = int(song_length / 11)
            current_time = int(player.getTime()) 
            # To avoid an error where the calculation would be divided by zero
            if current_time == 0:

            calculated_rating = int(current_time / song_parts)
            # For a future try to idenfy the song change without stopping the player, 
            # when the song ends and the next one in the playlist starts.
            # if self.current_song == "":
                # self.current_song = xbmc.getInfoLabel('MusicPlayer.Title')
            # If the song has no rating yet, or the rating is "0", this will be its new rating.
            if song_rating == 0:
                new_rating = int(current_time/song_parts)
            # If the song already has a rating, here the current rating value will 
            # be added to the new rating calculation, to obtain an average rating. 
            elif song_rating != 0:
                new_rating = int((song_rating + calculated_rating) / 2)
            # Notification only to "see"the script working.
            xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("New 0 Rating", new_rating))        
            # Saving the new rating as the song progresses.
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%d},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))
        time.sleep(1) # wait for 60 seconds before checking again
    if monitor.waitForAbort(1): # Sleep/wait for abort for 1 second
        break                   # Abort was requested while waiting. Exit the while loop.

(2023-01-30, 00:15)sagrath Wrote: by the way: How it's possible to put the code with numbered lines like in the post you sugest?

You used the syntax tag only, and didn't tell what type of syntax it was.
(2023-01-30, 00:24)Klojum Wrote: You used the syntax tag only, and didn't tell what type of syntax it was.

AHHHH cooll!!! I need to use [syntax=python] instead, right?
(2023-01-30, 00:15)sagrath Wrote: Don't know if I'm doing right:
Move out all the stuffs that's inside the "def onPlayBackStarted(self):" to inside the "if xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio():"
I left the stuff on "def onPlayBackStopped(self):" because (I think) it's not necessary for now. Let me know your opinion.
And create a check the monitor status and put 1 second to wait. This way, the "refresh" effect gone, but, when the next music in playlist is started, another "refresh" happen.

I know this is not a solution, Only a (very ugly) workaround. Still trying.

I looked at your original code and you can have the def methods in the class definition as long as you aren't also calling them too, thus creating a potential race condition of a real time event firing too often.  For your refresh effect a couple things come to mind around Kodi GUI animations.  One question is for your notification calls why isn't there a time value included ?  It isn't required but I am curious.  Something you might try is adding a short sleep, maybe .5 seconds like such:

xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ("New 0 Rating", new_rating))


xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"AudioLibrary.SetSongDetails","params":{"songid": %d, "userrating":%d},"id":1}' % (song_id, new_rating))

and see if that works.  You might not be giving Kodi enough time in the background to update the GUI.  You could also try instead adding a time value of 500 or similar to your notification.

xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s, time=500)" % ("New 0 Rating", new_rating))


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.

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Help to set "UserRating" in a song using script0