Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved Thumbnails gone missing

I running LE11 on a Intel NUC
My server which contains my MariaDB for Kodi went down yesterday and I started Kodi and of course it would not connect and it did not show any items.
I fixed my server and re booted Kodi and then it connected but all of a sudden all the thumnails went either blank or shows icon instead.
I deleted the textures db and thumnails folder and used the texturecache script to re cache all but made no difference.
I still get no thumnails.
Here is log
(2023-02-01, 19:53)Nekromantik Wrote: I still get no thumnails.

ThumBnails... :-)

No thumbnails suggests that the current path of the videos is different from the stored path(s) in the Textures13.db file.
One crude solution is to delete the Textures13.db file as well as the Thumbnails folder, restart Kodi and have it rebuild the thumbnail cache.
heres a repaste of the log that wont trigger a firewall -
The original paste link works fine here.
triggers my firewall and i have to proxy around it, it doesnt like the domain, if its not helpful just delete it
#6 is the default pastebin site for LibreELEC, so perhaps you can make exceptions on your firewall.
perhaps. perhaps i just make an exception for this forum and not try so hard to help.

irregardless i repasted without reading it and its not even a dubug log so neither link is actually useful and ive just gone and screwed this entire thread with nonsense

OP please make sure to enable debug logs when sharing
@Klojum Yes I deleted the texturesdb and thumnails folder and rebooted already.
Then ran the texturecache script to see if it fixed but still nothing.
if you need debug I can get that for you
and yes that URL format is what Kodi outputs if you use pastekodi command. Smile
(2023-02-01, 20:40)Nekromantik Wrote: Then ran the texturecache script to see if it fixed but still nothing.

If you already deleted the cache database and the thumbs, things "should work".™
I never used the texturecache script for rebuilding, as most of it will be done in the background of Kodi anyway.

I don't think a debug log will help much, as the thumbnail caching into the Texture13.db isn't properly logged.
(2023-02-01, 21:16)Klojum Wrote:
(2023-02-01, 20:40)Nekromantik Wrote: Then ran the texturecache script to see if it fixed but still nothing.

If you already deleted the cache database and the thumbs, things "should work".™
I never used the texturecache script for rebuilding, as most of it will be done in the background of Kodi anyway.

I don't think a debug log will help much, as the thumbnail caching into the Texture13.db isn't properly logged.
yes i am surprised also as to why it did not re load the thumbnails
i can re try doing the delete texturedb and thumbnail folder.
(2023-02-01, 21:16)Klojum Wrote:
(2023-02-01, 20:40)Nekromantik Wrote: Then ran the texturecache script to see if it fixed but still nothing.

If you already deleted the cache database and the thumbs, things "should work".™
I never used the texturecache script for rebuilding, as most of it will be done in the background of Kodi anyway.

I don't think a debug log will help much, as the thumbnail caching into the Texture13.db isn't properly logged.

I did a re install of Kodi and same issue.
Does it make a difference if you dont use a scraper?
I use local instead of using online scraper.
fixed it
re scanned my library lol
Thread marked solved.

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