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Release Universal Movie Scraper
I use ums for rating in diialog video info...and working fine in mine mod Aeon mq6

(2023-01-21, 18:30)DiMag Wrote: And does this extra info get written to the library (so that it can be exported to the .nfo file)?
yes , ums write in kodi database
(2023-01-21, 18:30)DiMag Wrote: My question then is, do skins like Amber which provide RT and MC ratings information get it by way of one of the many skin helper addons available?
for list I use SHS,Amber skin use  TMDbHelper
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
The ratings settings (together with many other settings) of UMS are not visible in Estuary. They are in Amber. Go figure...
(2023-01-21, 19:24)DiMag Wrote: The ratings settings (together with many other settings) of UMS are not visible in Estuary. They are in Amber. Go figure...

Maybe because you need to scroll down in Estuary?! Smile
So we need to use TMDB for titles until there is an update that fixes getting the title from IMDB?
Yes, I've updated it for all my devices accordingly.
My Theater: JVC X790R + Peerless PRG-UNV | 120" CineWhite UHD-B Screen | KODI Omega + PreShow Experience | mpv | madVR RTX 2070S | Panasonic UB420 | Denon X3600H @ 5.2.4 | 4 x ADX Maximus w/ Dayton Audio SA230 | 3 x Totem Tribe LCR + Mission M30 Surrounds + SVS PC2000 + Monolith 15 | 40" HDTV w/ MeLE N5105 + MoviePosterApp | 40TB Win10 SMB Server over Gigabit Ethernet

Running KODI v20.0 on a shield 2019 pro and can't get my ratings provider changed to IMDB
Set the information provider to Universal Movie Scraper and the rating source to IMDB
Still getting Trakt and the Movie Database as a result

Did the whole remove source, clean database and add source method
to no avail, had the same problem on v19.4 and v19.5

Help appreciated

I have moved you to the correct location.

IMDB have been making changes to their website specifically aimed at scrapers to reduce their server loads. Seems to work for some people and not others.
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(2023-01-22, 14:00)uVSthem Wrote: So we need to use TMDB for titles until there is an update that fixes getting the title from IMDB?

I've changed Universal Scraper over to use TMDB for titles however it's still not working for me.
It worked for me. I had to change it for each of my library sources, not going into the add-ons and changing the settings for it there.
(2023-02-03, 12:03)uVSthem Wrote: It worked for me. I had to change it for each of my library sources, not going into the add-ons and changing the settings for it there.

I understand now. I thought you meant change Universal Movie Scraper to use TMDB for titles but instead you’re scraping with the actual TMDB add on.
No, that is what I meant. I am using Universal Movie Scraper, but having TMDB look up the titles instead of IMDB.
Hi I am having the same title blank issue with the UMS. has anyone found a solution?
(2023-01-21, 19:10)Angelinas Wrote: for list I use SHS,Amber skin use  TMDbHelper
hi nice ratings you have there, can you please tell me how you achieved that? what is SHS? which skin are you using and if I need to install specific addons? really appreciate it. thanks
SHS Nexus

XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
Hi I installed all the addons in the post you linked. I was wondering which skin are you using that shows the ratings in main movie menu? the skin I use shows the ratings only in the movie info window
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