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Movie set artwork.. How?! help
I've recently tried turning on movie sets, and just cannot get Kodis scrapers to populate their artwork
I use Radarr which has the usual movie artwork covered just fine. It doesnt seem to play with sets though?
I would like to use local artwork only, but can't get anything to populate the set artwork that way.

So I tried using online scrapers (TMDB Python), but I end up with he same
Tried having or not having a MSIF set, same both ways
I've been fiddling for ages and have re-imported the lot multiple times with various settings, but just can't get it to work.
Removes my kodi profile data and started again, but didn't get on any better

What might i be I missing?
(I've honestly read and tried everything I can find about the subject, sorry if this is covered elsewhere or this is in the wrong place)
This is using 20.0 on windows

Without you explaining the exact steps of what you are doing, then I can't give you a definite fix for the problem.

Radar and Sonarr nfo files have always been deficient, and most likely don't have the set artwork and set information in the nfo files they create, so Kodi cannot create the sets and display the artwork.

If you are using local artwork, read here how to set up Set Artwork...

If you are using the Kodi scrapers, then they should (and do) download set information and artwork. My guess is you running the scrapers, but still have your nfo files, so the nfo files are being read and re-read instead. You need to delete them.
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(2023-02-05, 21:42)Karellen Wrote: @mad-tunes
Radar and Sonarr nfo files have always been deficient, and most likely don't have the set artwork and set information in the nfo files they create, so Kodi cannot create the sets and display the artwork.

Nailed it. Thank you.
I was only vague as I'd tried allsorts and got nowhere. Needed to start again (again!) and get it right.
I had a radarr-created .nfo in each movies folder, and mistakenly thought that setting Kodi to use TMDB Python rather than local files meant the .nfos would be ignored.
I've just deleted all .nfos and switched Kodi from localfiles only to TMDB Python and I see some set artwork showing up.
It'll take a good while to finish but I think you've set me on the right track, not having any Radars .nfos in the collection.

Thanks a lot
(2023-02-05, 23:16)mad-tunes Wrote: Nailed it. Thank you.
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Movie set artwork.. How?! help0