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Release Mezzmo Kodi addon UPnP/DLNA Library Sharing Support Thread
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.3) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.3) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
bug fix and some new features, including a new feature called Movieset Quick
, which allows you quick access to all movies in a set. For GUI
mode users you will notice a slight change in the movie context menu. A
new option called Mezzmo has been added and things like Mezzmo Mark
Watched/Unwatched have been moved there. This is to allow for upcoming
features and to standardize the context menus between GUI and Native modes.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.3 Kodi 18

• Fixed longstanding issue where Kodi Native Mode InProgress functionality did
not work for TV Shows due to Kodi and Mezzmo treating not watched episodes
differently (playcount zero vs. NULL).
• Standardized video library context menus between Native and GUI modes in
preparation to add functionality in upcoming releases without exceeding
the Kodi context menu limits and improving usability.
• Added Mezzmo clear bookmark context menu functionality in GUI mode.
• Changed native mode Mezzmo searches so that a return or GoUp click will
return back to where the search was launched from vs. the GUI mode server
• Added Movieset Quick Access context menu feature to allow quick access to
all movies in a set. This context menu addition works in both GUI and
Native modes.

v2.1.7.3 Kodi 19+

• Fixed longstanding issue where Kodi Native Mode InProgress functionality did
not work for TV Shows due to Kodi and Mezzmo treating not watched episodes
differently (playcount zero vs. NULL).
• Standardized video library context menus between Native and GUI modes in
preparation to add functionality in upcoming releases without exceeding
the Kodi context menu limits and improving usability.
• Added Mezzmo clear bookmark context menu functionality in GUI mode.
• Changed native mode Mezzmo searches so that a return or GoUp click will
return back to where the search was launched from vs. the GUI mode server
• Added Movieset Quick Access context menu feature to allow quick access to
all movies in a set. This context menu addition works in both GUI and
Native modes.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.3 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.4) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.4) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
new feature called Mezzmo Movie Collection which allows quick access to movie
collections versions or any user defined grouping.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.4 Kodi 18

• Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support which now allows for context menu quick
access to movie collections. Movie collections can be different versions,
releases, formats or any other movie collection grouping you wish to define.

v2.1.7.4 Kodi 19+

• Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support which now allows for context menu quick
access to movie collections. Movie collections can be different versions,
releases, formats or any other movie collection grouping you wish to define.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.4 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.5) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.5) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
bug fix and an extension of the Mezzmo Movie Collection feature to support
music videos.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.5 Kodi 18

• Fixed obscure bug introduced in v1.1.7.4 which could cause exception error for
native mode music videos Mezzmo context menus
• Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support for music videos

v2.1.7.5 Kodi 19+

• Fixed obscure bug introduced in v2.1.7.4 which could cause exception error for
native mode music videos Mezzmo context menus
• Added Mezzmo Movie Collection support for music videos

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.5 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.6) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.6) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a
major new feature called Mezzmo Keywords which allows quick access to Mezzmo
library content with keywords from the Mezzmo Kodi context menu. You no
longer need to create Smart Playlists for situations where you are using them
just to filter on specific Mezzmo Keywords / Kodi tags. Like most features in
the Mezzmo Kodi addon the Mezzmo Keywords feature is automatic once you
add keywords to your library content.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.6 Kodi 18

• Added Mezzmo Keywords feature which allows quick access to movies and music
videos with keywords via the Mezzmo context menu in both native and GUI modes.
• Added confirmation dialogs for clearing bookmarks and setting / clearing
watched status to avoid accidental changes.

v2.1.7.6 Kodi 19+

• Added Mezzmo Keywords feature which allows quick access to movies and music
videos with keywords via the Mezzmo context menu in both native and GUI modes.
• Added confirmation dialogs for clearing bookmarks and setting / clearing
watched status to avoid accidental changes.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.6 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.7) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.7) have been posted on GitHub. These versions enhance the
new Mezzmo Keywords feature allowing keyword-by-keyword control of syncing
to Kodi tags (nosync) and visibility in the Mezzmo Keywords context menu (noview).
See the Mezzmo Keywords naming Wiki page for complete details and examples.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.7 Kodi 18

• Updated Mezzmo Keywords feature to allow keyword-by-keyword control of syncing
to Kodi tags (nosync) and visibility in the Mezzmo Keywords context menu (noview).

v2.1.7.7 Kodi 19+

• Updated Mezzmo Keywords feature to allow keyword-by-keyword control of syncing
to Kodi tags (nosync) and visibility in the Mezzmo Keywords context menu (noview).

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.7 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.8) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.8) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a minor
bug fix for syncing Mezzmo episode keywords to Kodi TV Show tags and add some
improvements for handling Mezzmo Movie Collections. Collections can contain a
mix of movies, TV episodes and music videos.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.8 Kodi 18

• Fixed minor bug which caused Mezzmo keywords not to sync to Kodi for TV Shows
• Changed Mezzmo Movie Collection tracking to add support for TV Episodes. Now
you can have collections with a mix of movies, TV episodes and music videos.
• Mezzmo keyword syncing to Kodi tags no longer required for native mode Mezzmo
Movie Collection operation.
• Eliminated syncing of Mezzmo Movie collection keywords to Kodi tags.
• Added Keywords and Collection tables to addon data export option

v2.1.7.8 Kodi 19+

• Fixed minor bug which caused Mezzmo keywords not to sync to Kodi for TV Shows
• Changed Mezzmo Movie Collection tracking to add support for TV Episodes. Now
you can have collections with a mix of movies, TV episodes and music videos.
• Mezzmo keyword syncing to Kodi tags no longer required for native mode Mezzmo
Movie Collection operation.
• Eliminated syncing of Mezzmo Movie collection keywords to Kodi tags.
• Added Keywords and Collection tables to addon data export option

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.8 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.7.9) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.7.9) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a minor
bug fix for automatically refreshing the GUI listing when clearing a bookmark and
adds the ability to disable confirmation dialogs added in versions

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.7.9 Kodi 18

• Fixed minor bug where Kodi container not updating automatically in GUI mode
when clearing bookmarks requiring manual Refresh to see new bookmark status.
• Added option setting to disable context confirmation dialog feature added
in v1.1.7.6.

v2.1.7.9 Kodi 19+

• Fixed minor bug where Kodi container not updating automatically in GUI mode
when clearing bookmarks requiring manual Refresh to see new bookmark status.
• Added option setting to disable context confirmation dialog feature added
in v2.1.7.6.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.7.9 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.8.0) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.8.0) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a minor
bug fix and add a new feature to the builtin automatic slideshow image / photo
viewer. You can now select a single or continuous looping slideshow mode.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.8.0 Kodi 18

• Added menu option for an automatic continuous picture slideshow which will
play in a loop until stopped. This feature will support up to 1,000 images in
a slideshow.

v2.1.8.0 Kodi 19+

• Fixed minor bug which caused the Kodi database progress dialog box to appear
for a couple of seconds during the daily sync process vs. only appearing during
a manual Mezzmo to Kodi full resync / clean.
• Added menu option for an automatic continuous picture slideshow which will
play in a loop until stopped. This feature will support up to 1,000 images in
a slideshow.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.8.0 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.8.1) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.8.1) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a couple
bug fixes.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below will likely be stopped in the very near future for new
releases and fixes. If you are running Kodi 17 the Mezzmo Kodi addon will continue
to function but new features and fixes will cease and you will need to disable
automatic updates. Kodi 18 full support will continue. This change may occur in
the next release.

v1.1.8.1 Kodi 18

• Fixed a bug where the automatic picture slideshow would skip slides if paused
for too long.

v2.1.8.0 Kodi 19+

• Fixed very obscure bug where a movie would show season 0 in Kodi if it was part
of a Mezzmo library search or playlist / folder that contained both movies and
TV shows and the last item in the list was a TV Show. This is for Kodi 20 and
• Fixed a bug where the automatic picture slideshow would skip slides if paused
for too long.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.8.1 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Testing of the Mezzmo Kodi addon with the next version of Kodi, version 21 called Omega, has begun. Initial testing is very positive. For those interested in testing Omega watch for a Mezzmo Kodi addon update next week which will support it.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.8.2) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.8.2) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a couple
changes in support for Kodi versions.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below is being phased out. Version is the last version
which will have full Kodi 17 and below support. There are no plans to drop support
for Kodi 18 anytime soon.

v1.1.8.2 Kodi 18

• Mezzmo / Kodi database sync support dropped for Kodi version 17 and below. All
other functions, including browsing Mezzmo and UPnP servers will continue to
operate as they have with prior releases of the Mezzmo Kodi addon.

v2.1.8.2 Kodi 19+

• Initial support for Kodi 21, Omega, development releases.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.8.2 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.8.3) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.8.3) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a couple
of minor bug fixes and adds the option to sync the Kodi director_link and writer_link
tables to Mezzmo for skins which use this capability in native mode operation.

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below is being phased out. Version is the last version
which will have full Kodi 17 and below support. There are no plans to drop support
for Kodi 18 anytime soon.

v1.1.8.3 Kodi 18

• Fixed not updating TV show studio information in Kodi when the first
episode of a TV show series was processed during the Kodi sync process
and was missing the production studio information.
• Added option to sync Directors and Writers to Kodi database for native
mode operation. Previously they were written to the movie, episode and
musicivdeo tables but not to the director_link and writer_link tables.

v2.1.8.3 Kodi 19+

• Fixed Kodi.log deprecation message when playing trailers.
• Fixed not updating TV show studio information in Kodi when the first
episode of a TV show series was processed during the Kodi sync process
and was missing the production studio information.
• Added option to sync Directors and Writers to Kodi database for native
mode operation. Previously they were written to the movie, episode and
musicivdeo tables but not to the director_link and writer_link tables.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.8.3 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
I've been working with the Mezzmo team to improve Kodi NFO file imports (individual files or in bulk).  Mezzmo has supported Kodi NFO file imports for a number of years but did not import the play count and last played fields.  A patch release version is now available which fixes this issue and supports the last played date in the current date only or a date time format.  (i.e. <lastplayed>2023-03-13</lastplayed> or <lastplayed>2023-03-13 21:05:12</lastplayed>).  Now you can import library media from Kodi without losing your play counts or resume pointers.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for both Kodi v18 (v1.1.8.4) and
Kodi v19+ (v2.1.8.4) have been posted on GitHub. These versions contain a few
bug fixes and adds syncing of the studio and studio_link tables from Mezzmo to
the Kodi video database. This completes all metadata syncing from Mezzmo to

*** Important Note ***

Support for Kodi 17 and below is being phased out. Version is the last version
which will have full Kodi 17 and below support. There are no plans to drop support
for Kodi 18 anytime soon.

v1.1.8.4 Kodi 18

• Set sort order to Year for moviesets so they will always appear in
chronological order. They can still be changed by the side blade menu.
If there is interest an addon setting could be added to allow setting
the preferred sort order for moviesets, searches and collections.
• Added syncing of Mezzmo studio information to Kodi's studio and
studio_link tables in native mode operation. This completes adding
all Mezzmo video metadata to Kodi's video database.
• Fixed a very obscure utf-8 decoding bug where all items in a folder or
playlist might not be displayed in GUI mode if a movie set name
contained certain non-ASCII characters.
• Fixed other utf-8 encoding / decoding errors which could impact addon
logging and setting watched statuses on certain media with non-ASCII
characters in the title.

v2.1.8.4 Kodi 19+

• Set sort order to Year for moviesets so they will always appear in
chronological order. They can still be changed by the side blade menu.
If there is interest an addon setting could be added to allow setting
the preferred sort order for moviesets, searches and collections.
• Added syncing of Mezzmo studio information to Kodi's studio and
studio_link tables in native mode operation. This completes adding
all Mezzmo video metadata to Kodi's video database.

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 19 version is based upon the
latest Kodi 18 v1.1.8.4 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? This could help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
For those of you who use Mezzmo with Kodi and the Mezzmo Kodi addon, I am working on a concept for a new tool.

Mezzmo has always had the ability to support multiple movie trailers and fetching of them has occurred via the Mezzmo metadata scraping process. The Mezzmo Kodi Addon began supporting multiple movie trailers (up to 20) and support for locally host high quality trailers has been available for some time. However, the process to host high quality local trailers is currently a manual process and Mezzmo's built-in You Tube module limits trailers to 720P quality, as well as downloads them in real time vs. storing them locally. We all know that playing You Tube trailers in real time can be slow at times for various reasons or trailers, like actor artwork, can disappear from the Internet

I have started working on a new concept called Mezzmo Trailer Checker which is based upon the concepts and some code from the Mezzmo Artwork Checker which automates the checking, tracking and fetching new actor artwork against your Mezzmo actor database without the need to rescrape your library. It tracks the last time new artwork has been checked and allows fetching up to 1,000 new actor images at a time, along with the Mezzmo UserPoster feature to override the default images from the scrapers so you can have your preferred actor image without worry of it being over written or being removed (and stored centrally so you don't need to touch each Kodi client).

The Mezzmo Trailer Checker would be similar in concept with a few more capabilities. Here's a current set of features I am considering:
  • Read current You Tube movie trailer information from the Mezzmo database
  • Track movies which have local trailers, which don't and last checked time
  • Ensure trailer is actually available on You Tube for playback / download
  • Download high quality trailers from You Tube for local hosting
  • Automatically normalize and trim the You Tube trailers names
  • User selectable feature of 1080P. 720P or 480P quality trailers (if available, otherwise best quality available)
  • Automatically move trailers to designated location (i.e. NAS, local disk etc.)
  • Option for automatically locking the Mezzmo metadata to avoid overriding trailer information
  • Option for how many movies to check in each batch run of the Mezzmo Trailer Checker
  • Option to limit how many trailers per movie
  • Option to order trailers by size or resolution
  • Option for supporting prefer local trailer capability to allow You Tube trailers for Mezzmo web interface
  • Option to run only local trailers but keep the original Mezzmo You Tube trainers (in case of future need / restore and eliminate media rescraping)
  • Full logging
  • CSV export utility of key Trailer Checker tables

Additional options might be checking disk space usage, trailer size limits and such. The Mezzmo Trailer Checker would leverage the existing Mezzmo Kodi addon movie trailer and sync features including automatically syncing trailer information to all Kodi clients, limiting the # of trailers to the user option and support for prefer local trailers to maximize your viewing pleasure.

I am curious what the interest level for this level of integration and automation might be ? I've already gotten the basics of the You Tube trailer downloader / name normalizing working and much of the database / automation code will come from the current Mezzmo artwork Checker. I've been hosting local trailers for my new movies for over 6 months and really like it. You might ask about the amount of space required. I have around 1,500 of my 7,500 trailers being hosted locally and they take up 42GB of storage on my Mezzmo server. This is without any limiting of trailer size other than me doing it manually. Part of this is my reason for developing this new tool, to automate the local hosting of of the other 6,000 or so movies as well as new movies.

There would be 3 prerequisites for this tool:
  • You will need to have Python 3.x loaded on the system running the tool
  • It will need to be a Windows based system
  • The system will need to have drive maps or local access to your Mezzmo database location and the location that will store the trailers

While Mezzmo can host local trailers via a web server vs. a local file access approach, I am not looking to initially support this capability. If there is interest in this hosting model, I'll consider it for future development.  I realize there are other Kodi trailer addons, so you might ask why create something new ?  While those tools do exist, they tend to be more individually client focused tools which are great for stand-alone Kodi operations.  This tool would be a Mezzmo server based tool centralizing management, integrating with the Mezzmo database and automating high quality local trailers to all Kodi and non-Kodi clients.  

Please let me know your thoughts on this tool concept. My goal is the continuing theme of automating things as much as possible and it easy with Mezzmo and Kodi.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
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