Thanks so much for making this script. I'm just testing it out and possibly found a bug? I'm not sure.
Previously, I would set the 'size' parameter with SetInfo. The script currently gives the error:
[script.module.infotagger] set_info:
KeyError: size
And indeed size isn't in the list
here, but there's a list of general keys that apply to all types of list items: count, size, date. See
I see 'date' in the list, but not 'count' and 'size'.
Also, one thing of note. I was getting a type error with 'studio' and 'tag', which in my addon was previously a string. script.module.infotagger requires it be a list or tuple, but the docs say:
studio: string (Warner Bros.) or list of strings (["Warner Bros.", "Disney", "Paramount"])
tag: string (cult) or list of strings (["cult", "documentary", "best movies"]) - movie tag
Not a big deal. I can change that on my side, but unsure if that was purposeful or not.