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List of files that can not be found
Hello everybody,

I am looking for a way to list all the files (movies, tv series, ...) that can no longer be found (the deleted or moved).

These are the files which are deleted from the library at (in Estuary Skin): "System", "Media", "Clean library".

Is there a way to list these files?

The add-on "Missing Movies" does exactly the opposite and lists files that are missing from the library. I would like to know what is "additional" in the library.

Thanks a lot!
given the lack of responses and that i have never come across anything like this personally maybe you could submit a request for such an addon to be created

the place to post such a request would be here -
(2023-02-08, 22:05)Crys Wrote: I am looking for a way to list all the files (movies, tv series, ...) that can no longer be found (the deleted or moved).

How is Kodi supposed to magically determine what movies/tvshows to list if they can no longer be found or located..?
Once those items are deleted from the video database and the video source(s), that's it.
good point that they can clarify on

i took it as a list of orphaned database entries (that would normally get removed by the clean library function)
Well... If Kodi's Cleanup did a proper job, it would be totally impossible indeed. But since there are likely still some leftovers in the video database, those could do the trick, but you would have to access the database directly and use some PHP or Python voodoo scripting, and not from inside Kodi.

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List of files that can not be found0