Why does Kodi's library keep adding tens of thousands (?) of titles I don't actually
Recently, I have been experiencing some strange behavior with the movie scraping feature on my Kodi. Every time I scan, it shows some movies that are not in my Samba share. Most of these movies have names consisting of numbers and have posters, and each title seems odd. However, when I click to watch them, they turn out to be movies in my Samba share. The only way to clear these strange movies is by selecting "Media" -> "Refresh". But every time I add new movies, the scanning process on themoviedb takes longer and the strange movies reappear. I have tried clearing the library and rescanning, but the issue persists. Every time I refresh, the message "Unavailable source: What would you like to do with media items from videodb://movies/titles/?xsp=............." appears. Does anyone know what's happening?
if i have to guess your movie names contain invalid characters that smb wont handle so its reverting to 8.3 filenames - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.3_filename

something containing a tilde ~ is likely what youre seeing


if you would prefer more than a guess provide a Debug Log which shows the files being scanned
To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
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Why does Kodi's library keep adding tens of thousands (?) of titles I don't actually0