Two Kodi Log Errors
Just looking at my log is there any concern behind these errors:
2023-04-24 11:28:10.857 T:1946    error <general>: GetDirectory - Error getting /storage/repos/

2023-04-24 11:27:57.367 T:1821    error <general>: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files

Just looking to tidy these up a bit.
(2023-04-24, 22:50)sunlollyking Wrote: Error getting /storage/repos/
Storage is likely referring to LibreELEC or OSMC. A 'repos' subfolder is not part of a default setup AFAIK, so this might be your own doing. Also, providing just a single error message is difficult to get us to see the 'big picture'.

(2023-04-24, 22:50)sunlollyking Wrote: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
This appears on every LibreELEC setup I have. It's probably some Linux-system related message. Just ignore it.
Apologies @Klojum here's a link to the full log - looks like it could be something to do with UPNP ?

Cool on error 2 - i was just wondering.
Well, that error just pops up out of the blue. No idea where it comes from.

Also your log is totally filled with warning messages, likely from the skin you installed.
And your LibreELEC version is a nightly/beta version, so problems are possible.
UPnP seems to be unlikely the problem. You have UPnP enabled, do you actually need it? If not, disable it.

I suggest you contact the LibreELEC forum and ask for further assistance.
Hmmm over in the LibreElec forum they seemed to think it was Upnp. It is something i use and something that i am worried about as my DB corrupted a few weeks ago so trying to get rid of all of the major errors. Is there anything i could potentially enable debug wise to help?
Yeah the log spam is a killer at the moment - i use titan bingie mod and i've let them know.
UPnP only feeds from the database, but the scraping is not done via UPnP directly. You need a "proper" network protocol for that (SMB, NFS, etc).

In general, a corrupted DB is useless. You never know what is or is not reliable info any longer. Best is to rescrape your video collection, and keep making db backups on a regular basis.

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