2023-05-07, 13:21
I'd like to show my current IP address on the main front screen when loading Kodi and using this skin.
I lifted this from here but changed the vaule of the left setting to 500 https://gist.github.com/bonelifer/37c3a5884c9c3c867fc4 and added it to he home.xml file in the estuary skin folder and it works, kinda. Sorry am not used to playnig with skins, so sorry for my ignorance or incorrect term usage.
<control type="label">
<description>IP Address</description>
<width min="200" max="300">auto</width>
<label>IP: $INFO[Network.IPAddress]</label>
I have 1 problem and 1 question.
1: Even though the IP address is shown, it is very dim in colour. I think this is because the IP address is layed behind at the top of the screen a fading bar? Do that make sense? Can you please advise how I can bring this setting to the front of the page/screen? or?
2: I pasted the above directly under
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thus bumping the next entry
<control type="button" id="20000">
To second place you could say.
Am I ok having the IP address portion at the top or should I place it elsewhere in the home.xml file?
Thanks for reading and any possible help.
I'd like to show my current IP address on the main front screen when loading Kodi and using this skin.
I lifted this from here but changed the vaule of the left setting to 500 https://gist.github.com/bonelifer/37c3a5884c9c3c867fc4 and added it to he home.xml file in the estuary skin folder and it works, kinda. Sorry am not used to playnig with skins, so sorry for my ignorance or incorrect term usage.
<control type="label">
<description>IP Address</description>
<width min="200" max="300">auto</width>
<label>IP: $INFO[Network.IPAddress]</label>
I have 1 problem and 1 question.
1: Even though the IP address is shown, it is very dim in colour. I think this is because the IP address is layed behind at the top of the screen a fading bar? Do that make sense? Can you please advise how I can bring this setting to the front of the page/screen? or?
2: I pasted the above directly under
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thus bumping the next entry
<control type="button" id="20000">
To second place you could say.
Am I ok having the IP address portion at the top or should I place it elsewhere in the home.xml file?
Thanks for reading and any possible help.