[split] Disabled infrared support in Kodi

I have a bizarre problem. I want to use the remote (lirc) with my own program and not use it in Kodi. I rebuilt the Kodi without lirc support (-DENABLE_LIRCCLIENT=OFF) but it did not help my issue:
- when I play a video, lirc not get the signal properly
- it recognizes few signals but after like stops working
- when I stop the video it works like a charm but starts again video it starts blocking infra
I used lircd and also tested with ir-keytable.
Do you have any idea or suggestion?
(2023-06-16, 11:12)gyzszabo Wrote: Do you have any idea or suggestion?

Posting in a 4-yr old thread isn't the best solution.
Also no indication to which Linux distro/solution is beging used.
you removed lirc from kodi with a custom compile

now lirc and your other application are not working properly together?

i dont see how that has anything to do with kodi, seems you need to find support from an lirc forum


it would be advantageous to see what the system resource usage is, if running on a pi it is entirely possible the system is actually unresponsive during video playback and that is why the remote seems to not work because the application isn't being responsive

(there is not enough information to suggest anything here, only speculation)

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[split] Disabled infrared support in Kodi0