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delete empty tv-series - change setting via ssh?

i know that (unlike movies) series do not automatically disappear from the series overview when you have deleted all episodes. even if the main folder of the series has been deleted, the series (without episodes) is still shown in the series list.

i read here that this is a wanted (?) feature of kodi and there is a setting that says that "empty series" should disappear from the overview. i currently have no way to access kodi via a monitor and be active in the menu, but i have access via ftp program (ssh):

does anyone know in which file i can change this setting manually? does someone know the path? the top folder is "Kodi19L" for me.

ps: have now called the web interface of kodi via browser. there are also settings > media > videos, but no "show empty TV shows" option to deactivate. maybe it was a function in a previous kodi version and not the old setting is still active? how can i deactivate that setting using ssh?
pps: i now had the idea to open the file userdata/guisettings.xml and search for "tv". there is a line there:

<setting id="videolibrary.showemptytvshows" default="true">true</setting>

I have now changed this to:

<setting id="videolibrary.showemptytvshows" default="true">false</setting>

have restarted kodi, but the change does nothing. as before, non-existent series are displayed (empty, without episodes).
ppps: every time i restart kodi, the setting in the file is reset from "false" to "true". so changing the file unfortunately does nothing. crap.
that setting only shows up in the advanced/expert settings, basic wont show it

if you modified the setting in guisettings.xml it is likely kodi just changed it back on restart, need to change it with kodi not running

im not sure where this 'overview' is youre talking about
yeah, i nbow changed the advancedsettings.xml and added:


but it still does not work. i am using the kodi ios app. maybe i have to change this setting anywhere "in the ios app"? if so, how? inside the ios app i can see all the movies and all series. when deleting a movie, the movie disappears (as wanted). but when deleting a whole series this series still shows up in the series category. this is what i mean.
could have lead with 'i cant get the series to disappear in the ios app' and it would have made this easier

to start/stop kodi on coreelec so you can edit guisettings.xml -

as far as the ios app, i have no clue i dont use ios or the app
maybe this is the problem. i am now changing settings for the kodi app for tv and not for the ios app, so i don´t see changes. hm...
does anyone know how to get to the /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi folder on the iphone? the iphone is connected via usb, but how do i get to this folder?
Have you tried removing the shows from your library? As in using the context menu on each show, manage, then remove from library.
i have no access to the program interface on the display. why aren't series (when the entire folder is deleted) completely deleted from the library anyway? just like with movies. that makes no sense.
(2023-06-21, 15:57)dajana.s Wrote: i have no access to the program interface on the display. why aren't series (when the entire folder is deleted) completely deleted from the library anyway? just like with movies. that makes no sense.

its not the same operation, removing movies and episodes behaves the same, removing episodes does not remove tv shows

tv shows require manual removal that is why there is a setting to hide empty shows instead of an option to remove empty tv shows
@jepsizofye but i didn't just remove single episodes or seasons, i removed the entire folder of that single series. so the series doesn't even exist on the hard drive anymore. neither in the form of filenames nor in the form of folders, it's completely deleted. so kodi should actually remove the series as well. i can't remove these series now at all without having access to kodi via display. this choice of usability makes no sense at all.

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delete empty tv-series - change setting via ssh?0