Linux Missing Lanczos3 and Spline36 Scalers In Linux
Is there any way to enable the final two upscalers? It cuts off at spline36 optimized and lanczos3 optimized. I'm using latest Linux Mint OS with Kodi version 2:19.4+dfsg1-2. I would really appreciate if anyone can let me know how to enable the last two scaling options. I prefer the image a little bit sharper. The reason I want to use the Kodi upscalers is the fact they are pretty much perfect for my preferences. They retain film grain much better than any mpv scalers or my tv scaling and has pretty much perfect motion in combination with my Kodi/tv settings. Please let me know if any more information is needed. The scalers show in libreelec and windows.
"On GL builds these methods are slower than the optimized versions; this is the reason why they are not available by default but can be activated by advanced users in advancedsettings.xml" -

"<enablehighqualityhwscalers>true</enablehighqualityhwscalers> Allow turning on the spline36 and lanczos3 shader (for GL builds)." -
Wow, that was fast. Thank you so much for the info. I had a hard time finding the solution because this issue is hard to phrase for search engines. The results were mostly basic scaling discussion. Anyways, here is what to type in the xml text file for future reference.


Thanks again for the reply. Works perfect. Also, I didn't notice ant performance issues on my system. I used the harshest practical motion test I have and not a single stutter. This scene stutters once or twice on any other software/OS besides kodi/linux mint combo.

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Missing Lanczos3 and Spline36 Scalers In Linux0