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Looking for suggestions and/or recommendations on Jellyfin in a multi-user setup.
Hi there,

I've been using Jellyfin for a while and have been impressed with how well it works.  However, of late i've found a need to look at creating different profiles on some of my Kodi boxes and in doing so it's flagged a question about the best way to approach this.  I'd therefore like to ask here if people have any suggestions to make on how to best tackle it.

For me the requirements are as follows:

1. Signing in as a specific Kodi profile should also log a specific user into Jellyfin so that it can track viewing progress and they can resume from the specific point if needed.
2. Some of the profiles will link to Jellyfin accounts which are restricted so they can only view specific content based on the certification (i'm pretty sure this is handled entirely by Jellyfin so I just need to make sure the users are configured correctly).
3. When you create a new user profile in Kodi it prompts about the library type and i'm not sure what to choose here.  I don't believe a library is really used with Jellyfin because it actually communicates directly with the server, but I do use a helper script which pulls down the metadata and images and inserts them into the database.  Not sure how this works in a multi profile set.

Grateful for any pointers people might have on how to best approach this.  Not sure I need to use the Jellyfin add-on in native or add-on more either, so it'd be useful to know which way to go there too.

I have limited storage on the Kodi boxes themselves - most are running with 32GB flash cards.

Thanks in advance for any help offered
i think you will find multi users in kodi problematic for jellyfin because of this issue -

for an undetermined reason only the master user is able to see jellyfin content

that particular issue does however deal with multiple profiles using the same kodi database, you might have luck with separate databases - i have not tested this


if you get this to work it will be using separate sources separate library, varied results copying master profile or starting fresh


yes, jellyfin for kodi uses the library if when in kodi you go to movies/tv/etc to play media, if you just open the jellyfin addon without import then it is not


yes, whatever user you sign in to the addon will control what media is available and which progress is tracked, obviously if you are signed in as user A you will not have access to user B
i just tested this and it seems to work using these paramaters and steps

in kodi

create new profile with separate libraries, separate sources
when asked to copy master or start fresh select start fresh
after logging in to the new profile go to addons and enable the jellyfin addon for the new user

from there you can login to the jellyfin server using a different user and sync their library to the new user profile in kodi
You need to take this issue up with jellyfin authors or their support site. This is a Kodi support site, and it's software.

Kodi boxes are a unicorn.
i feel "jellyfin for kodi" is as relevant to kodi as NFS/SMB or even MySQL given the topic is kept to the boundary of "for kodi"

as far as jellyfin's native clients or it's server setup overall you are absolutely right


i use jellyfin in place of both MySQL/MariaDB and NFS/SMB as a single solution to both while keeping what's great about kodi which is video playback and library viewing
At this time there is no jellyfin support forum on the Kodi web forum, and their add-on is best discussed with the github community or as an add-on in the appropriate forum when it comes to the complexities of the software, not something under 'Kodi related discussions'. The OP's title post invites jellyfin support and is contrary to the spirit of the thread and with that I'll move this thread to 'Other' to join other like minded messages. I do note an active  jellyfin community on Reddit.
looks like the user ghosted even after all that, i regret responding

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Looking for suggestions and/or recommendations on Jellyfin in a multi-user setup.0