v20 Video is slower than audio on many files (different codecs)
Hi, some of my files have the video slower than the audio when played by Kodi.
I tried to turn off acceleration and I also put the “refresh” option to Always.
The result is better, it's not slowed anymore but the video is weird… Like if it was in 8fps or with missing frames.

I tried with USB stick. Same behavior.
Video is played fine on VLC, Kodi (Windows), iPad, Apple TV and DuneHD.

How can I fix that without re-encoding more than 500 files? Huh

Vero 4K - OSMC 2023.06-1 - Kodi 20.1
Here is the NFO of the 1st file I played: https://pastebin.com/z0EyceLY
Here is the NFO of the 2nd file I played: https://pastebin.com/Z0zkHP1w
Here is the log: https://paste.kodi.tv/gopofepeqa

Thank you~
looks like the difference is 10bit avc, not sure if vero has trouble with this, it would best to ask on their forum - https://discourse.osmc.tv

i found this from 2019 but not sure how relevant it is - https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/problem-with...k/78407/10
Both files have video slower than audio
one is x265 10bits (the 2nd one) and the other one is x264 8bits (1st file)

But both aren't played correctly, I picked those two to show that it's not related to a codec nor the 10bits
I can play 10 bits files, x264, 4K, HDR, … but I have files that can't be read and I'm pretty sure it's because of Kodi

Because if you read the topic, I said that if you change the refresh setting it's not slower anymore but it's now choppy
i see, i dont use osmc and they run their own fork like coreelec/libreelec so they are still the better source of help for their own product

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Video is slower than audio on many files (different codecs)0