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Kodi crashing after updating to Ubuntu 22.04.3

as the title says after updating to Ubuntu 22.04.3 kodi crashes.

Initially I tried it with kodi 19.4 (iirc) and then I updated to kodi 20 (via the ppas) with the same result.

Command line prompt:

xbmc@htpc:~/.kodi/userdata$ kodi
libva info: VA-API version 1.14.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_14
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
find: ‘/home/xbmc/.dbus’: Permission denied
Crash report available at /home/xbmc/kodi_crashlog-20230820_233145.log
xbmc@htpc:~/.kodi/userdata$ ls -lart /home/xbmc/|grep .dbus
drwx------  3 root root   4096 May  6  2020 .dbus

I can see the Gui for about 5sec, but it doesn't react to my input.

Here is the debug log:

If anybody has an idea what's going on I'd be really grateful!

working upwards on the log, 2nd to last entry Library Data Provider: b'service version 0.4.1 started'

which brings up reports of that addon crashing kodi, which is what you are reporting -

so, then the thing to do would be to eliminate addons from the equation

option 1

move, rename or otherwise make unavailable the ~/.kodi folder to make it start fresh

option 2

start kodi from a bash script exporting KODI_DATA to a different folder

#!/usr/bin/env bash
export KODI_DATA=~/.kodi-new
Thank you for your help!

After I've changed/moved the folder, what is the best way of getting my settings back?

If I just move the folder back it'll just crash kodi again, won't it?
yes you can simply move it back into place, removing the newly generated folder

i would suggest if you are using the first option then copying might be a better option to leave your existing untouched as a source to work from

if you determine it does not crash without your addons then yes it will crash again when restoring

if you have determined that it is that particular addon crashing then removing it from ~/.kodi/addons would be the option available since kodi will not start to the gui in order to allow it to be removed normally
Thank you very much, after removing the addon everything works as it should!
youre welcome

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Kodi crashing after updating to Ubuntu 22.04.30