Solved Ratings Don't Appear to Be Pulling Accurately
Hi All -

I have the following options selected for my scraper for Movies:


I just ran a quick test on the following movie:

(1) I see in "Info" in Kodi the following: "IMDB 6.5 (31 votes)

So multiple problems here:
(1) Why is it IMDB instead of TMDB?
(2) The 31 votes is not inclusive of the options selected (TVDB, IMDB, and Trakt)
    - TVDB: 31 votes 65%
    - IMDB: 2.9k 6.9/10
    -Trakt: 119 votes 75%

What's going on here? So it looks like it is indeed pulling from TVDB and not IMDB (probably a skin bug for it showing IMDB, maybe that's hardcoded?)

But the rest of the votes aren't in there at all as far as I can tell. Here the votes are pretty close but a lot of times the votes are dramatically different and if TVDB only has a dozen or so but then IMDB has thousands, I'd prefer to have an accurate user ratings across all platforms.

(2023-08-28, 03:17)jrubenol Wrote: I just ran a quick test on the following movie:
I tested this movie. I scraped the following ratings, using the same settings as shown in your screenshot. According to what I can see, it is all accurate.
<rating name="imdb" max="10">
<rating name="themoviedb" max="10" default="true">
<rating name="trakt" max="10">

(2023-08-28, 03:17)jrubenol Wrote: (1) Why is it IMDB instead of TMDB?
6.5 (31 votes) is accurate for TMDB. You can see I have the same rating values above.
Post a screenshot where you see this.
Seems like a skin problem allocating the wrong flag to the wrong rating. Which skin are you using? Best to report it to the skinner.

(2023-08-28, 03:17)jrubenol Wrote: (2) The 31 votes is not inclusive of the options selected (TVDB, IMDB, and Trakt)
    - TVDB: 31 votes 65%
    - IMDB: 2.9k 6.9/10
    -Trakt: 119 votes 75%
There are no TVDB ratings.
I don't know what you mean here. Please explain what is inclusive of what.

(2023-08-28, 03:17)jrubenol Wrote: But the rest of the votes aren't in there at all as far as I can tell.
It depends on what skin you are using. Most only show the default rating, which is TMDB in my ratings above. (it says default="true")
Looking at your KODI info won't paint the whole picture. Export to nfo files and check the rating tags, then you can confirm if it is a skin problem.
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Displaying extra ratings is skin dependant and they're generally only shown on the movie information screen.
Each library video item has a "default" rating which is available to skin for all items in a container.  Only a selected item in the container has all defined ratings available for display.

scott s.
Thanks for great's the skin. Weird that the skin wouldn't be dynamic and include these ratings if they're being pulled. Closing as RESOLVED.
Which skin is it and did you check the video info screen?
From the screenshot in the first post it looks like Rapier is being used.
(2023-08-30, 09:11)Hitcher Wrote: Which skin is it and did you check the video info screen?
Indeed Rapier and yeah - info screen doesn't give any useful information about the other ratings either. See below.

You will have to report that to the skinner @Gade

I'll move this thread to his forum.

You marked this thread solved?
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Yeah I marked as resolved just because you all explained the issue. I'll open up a feature request separately that identifies this and suggests a solution or two. Thanks again.
So do I understand this issue correctly that only the wording is wrong?
The scraped rating is correctly displayed in the skin?

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Ratings Don't Appear to Be Pulling Accurately0