Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Skin Recommendations
I like the default skin pretty well,  but my eyes are not very good, and I am mostly unable to read anything on the screen.  The estuary skin has very limited abilities to change the fonts.  Is there a skin with somewhat bigger fonts or that has the ability to change the font size?  If so, I would like to try it / them.
maybe you could look into this mod: 307916 (thread)

no idea if it works with newer versions of Kodi, though
Apparently not.  I tried loading both, but they have unmet dependencies.
I use Aeon Nox: Silvo

Its good looking an highiy configurable.

I have changed the Font/Fontsize Settings to my personal preferences by modifiing the font.xml in the skins folder (can be found in the addons)
you can also add your personal font.ttf by this way
Hmm.  I dislike icons.  Is there any way to get Aeon Nox to display a text list only?  In Estuary, for example, I can simply click on <Movies> to get to a text list.  This text is easy enough to read.  It is all the other text that I can't see in Estuary.
Nevermind.  I found it.  Hey, this is pretty neat.  One question.  I have looked around, but I don't see a way to make the title list collapse the sets into single entries, like Estuary does.  Is there a way to enable this behavior in Aeon Nox?
Oh, I found that one, too.  (Actually I had just forgotten about it.)  Now, however, is there a way to delete items from the main menu?  It is very unlikely I will ever have any interest in Apps, Games, or Music Videos, and probably not Favorites.  Having those there is just an annoyance, mostly because it slows things down.
OK, sue me for jumping the gun with questions, but I discovered how to delete the main menu items, as well.  Confused

Many thanks to ATARI130XE for suggesting the Aeon Nox skin.  Also many thanks to the developers who have produced it.  There is nothing particularly bad about the default Estuary skin, and I can see a good argument for making it the default.  It is much simpler, and if there is a downside to using a more configurable UI, it is the fact it requires more time and effort to configure it, and indeed to discover where to configure the various aspects that can be configured.  I will avoid saying one is superior to the other, but for people who have specific needs or who simply want to customize their system, Aeon Nox may be a better solution.

It does make me wonder what the other skins have to offer, and in time I may explore them in some depth.

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