Music Lyrics in Aeon Nox: Silvo
I have been using Aeon Nox: Silvo for a few days now, and overall I like it quite well.  There is one thing I really hate, however, and that is the treatment of lyrics.  The colors are eye-searing, and I suppose the animations are supposed to be cute, but I only find them annoying.  I would vastly prefer a nice script font, perhaps black with white outline, that scrolls smoothly down the screen.  Barring that, the way the Estuary skin handles the lyrics is acceptable.  Is there some way the lyrics handling can be changed?  Presumably some people like the way Aeon Nox: Silvo handles lyrics, and that is fine, but I really detest it, yet I do want the lyrics to be available.

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Music Lyrics in Aeon Nox: Silvo0