Solved Trouble upgrading Python for Kodi 19
OK, I just did a manual backup of the database file: /home/kodi/.kodi/userdata/Database/MyVideos119.db

I can run an analysis of the database and output CSV from the analyze page. No errors.

I see 12 pages of orphaned rows for movies... so.. yeah... this is why I want to run the cleaner on my database.

I haven't tried actually running the cleaner yet, but I'll try that next...
(2023-10-25, 12:17)mrob Wrote: OK, I just did a manual backup of the database file: /home/kodi/.kodi/userdata/Database/MyVideos119.db

I can run an analysis of the database and output CSV from the analyze page. No errors.

I see 12 pages of orphaned rows for movies... so.. yeah... this is why I want to run the cleaner on my database.

I haven't tried actually running the cleaner yet, but I'll try that next...

Ok. Thanks for confirming. The next release of the addon will detect and log the version of Python it is running under. That will eliminate future questions.

I'll also look to add a file copy database backup when running less than Python 3.7.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Thanks again for all your help.

The original problem is solved, so I'm going to mark the thread as such.

It sounds like I will need to upgrade my Kodi installation, but that's a separate issue.

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Trouble upgrading Python for Kodi 190