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Bug Database issue
Up until recently I was running Kodi (Omega) with a MariaDB backend on Windows. A few weeks ago I set up an unraid server and am looking to move the backend there. I've installed the official MariabDB docker but ran into a snag when trying to transfer the databases. First, I exported the current databases which under MariaDB windows are (note the capitalization):

"myvideos122" and "mymusic83".

I imported the resulting SQL dump into the docker MariaDB without a hitch. However, when I pointed my (Windows) Kodi at the new DB via advanced settings it told me that all libraries were empty. Checking docker MariaDB I noticed that Kodi had actually created additional new databases called (note the capitalization):

"MyVideos122" and "MyMusic83".

This is obviously a huge problem and I would ask the devs to alter the create code to make the database names coherent across all OS platforms = all lowercase. Thanks in advance!
There is a setting for mysql to allow case differentiation in windows. You need to edit the my.cnf file and alter the setting:



this is a case of your database on windows being migrated to linux

changing the code to meet your needs will break an unknown amount of setups which are already looking for MyVideos and not myvideos has been MyVideos for not less than 2 years
(2023-11-13, 02:55)izprtxqkft Wrote: There is a setting for mysql to allow case differentiation in windows. You need to edit the my.cnf file and alter the setting:
Thanks for the pointer, although you probably mean "there is a setting for .... in Linux". suggests that I use lower_case_table_names=1 in Linux.
(2023-11-13, 02:55)izprtxqkft Wrote: changing the code to meet your needs will break an unknown amount of setups which are already looking for MyVideos and not myvideos has been MyVideos for not less than 2 years
Well, I consider it a grave oversight to have different database names in different OS. Better correct the course now while Omega is in alpha and have user installations migrate from Nexus to Omega with all lowercase db names when it's stable.
(2023-11-13, 03:34)HeresJohnny Wrote: Well, I consider it a grave oversight to have different database names in different OS.

the oversight is yours

look at the line of code i highlighted

that code is compiled on every operating system

that line of code shows the dbname is static "MyVideos" not "myvideos"

so you would have had to have lowercase setting enabled on your windows database before you exported to linux


im not very good at explaining technical things to non-technical people so i hope i was more clear this time

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