Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved connection refused error when accessing web gui
I am using a Pi4 but I don't think that this issue is likely related to that specifically, so I have posted here.

I am attempting to access the web gui for the first time and keep getting a connection refused error. In SETTINGS > SERVICES > CONTROL I have enabled remote control via http and both application control settings. SSL is not enabled and I have even tried disabling requiring authentication.

I have disabled my computer firewall and the Kodi firewall and have tried multiple browsers in WIN11. I have even done a hard reset in the LibreELEC settings. My TrueNAS server is plugged up right next to it and has no problem with web gui so idk what could be happening. I tried looking at the logs to see if something looked out of place but nothing stood out (in my noobish opinion).

Any common resolutions on this one?

EDIT: The issue has been resolved. Like I said, I am a noob and didn't know that I needed to specify the port number in the address bar as well (ie
Thread marked solved.
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connection refused error when accessing web gui0