2023-11-21, 00:06
Hi guys
I'm scratching my head to find out why when I launch emulationstation from kodi, my usb joypad is NOT detected in emulationstation right away, I'm forced to unplug the usb first, then it is recognized and I can use it. I can go back and forth between kodi and emulationstation whitout problems and each time I quit ES and go back to kodi, I have a functionnal joypad in kodi. But when I quit kodi to ES, the joypad is non fonctionnal.
This is kodi 20.2 running on an intel nuc, linux ubuntu server 22.04LTS which was originaly setup some years ago with the great guide from fritsch (Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server)
Content of /etc/systemd/system/kodi.service :
Content of /home/kodi/.config/openbox/autostart :
I'm scratching my head to find out why when I launch emulationstation from kodi, my usb joypad is NOT detected in emulationstation right away, I'm forced to unplug the usb first, then it is recognized and I can use it. I can go back and forth between kodi and emulationstation whitout problems and each time I quit ES and go back to kodi, I have a functionnal joypad in kodi. But when I quit kodi to ES, the joypad is non fonctionnal.
This is kodi 20.2 running on an intel nuc, linux ubuntu server 22.04LTS which was originaly setup some years ago with the great guide from fritsch (Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server)
Content of /etc/systemd/system/kodi.service :
Description=kodi mediacenter using xinit
After=systemd-user-sessions.service sound.target
ExecStart = /usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/openbox-session -- :0 -nolisten tcp vt7
Restart = on-abort
Content of /home/kodi/.config/openbox/autostart :
xrandr -display :0 --output HDMI1 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full" --primary --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"
xsetroot -display :0 -solid '#102040'
xset -display :0 s off -dpms s noblank
while :
/usr/bin/kodi -fs
/opt/emulators/EmulationStation-DE-x64.AppImage --no-update-check