Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Setting up Mariadb in docker for Kodi database hosting
I've searched and not found exactly what I need help with.

I have an OpenMediaVault server and I'm running Kodi 20 on several Android devices. When I initially set up the server, I found a tutorial that guided me through the process of installing mariadb in docker. However, I use watchtower to keep my dockers updated, and when I ran watchtower yesterday, it seems to have reset my mariadb container. I found another thread on these forums mentioning why this happened but I didn't exactly understand that or how to prevent this problem. Something about mounting volumes.

So what I'm asking for is: a step by step tutorial for how to set up Mariadb in docker on the latest version of OMV so the configuration will be persistent.


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