Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Trying to play encoded stream using JSON API
I have a tool (standalone program) that can fetch a video URL and then play it on Kodi using JSON API (Player.Open).

I want to extend te tool to handle encoded streams. I have all the information required to play the stream (video url, widevine license key) but I can't seem to find the way to pass this to Kodi using JSON API.

Has anyone ever done this?
I don't think that's available via the JSON API.  You'd probably need to write an addon that uses InputStream Helper to handle the widevine encryption.
If I recall correctly, it is possible to start an add-on (with arguments) from JSON. So this add-on would only need to get its arguments, setup the inputstream, and play.

Are there any plugins similar to that, to see how it can be done?
(2024-01-09, 15:33)sciurius Wrote: If I recall correctly, it is possible to start an add-on (with arguments) from JSON. So this add-on would only need to get its arguments, setup the inputstream, and play.

yes, the wiki is here
(2024-01-09, 15:33)sciurius Wrote: Are there any plugins similar to that, to see how it can be done?

pretty much any addon in the video addons section is using ISA (but the wiki above shows implementation)
prime video, netflix, hulu, disney+, peacock, hbo max

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Trying to play encoded stream using JSON API0