Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v20 Can't get longpress feature to work to remap start/pause button to stop function
I have this remote which has a start/pause button but no stop button, and no 'info' button either:
I remapped the 'magnifying glass' button (which otherwise serves no purpose on Kodi) to use as the 'info' button.  I used the keymap add-on to produce the following keymap file:

      <key id="61620">info</key>

This works fine.

Then I tried to address the issue that this remote has no 'stop' button, either. It has a start/pause button, though, so I tried to use the 'longpress' feature to remap the start/pause button to 'stop'. Since the keymap add-on doesn't support longpress I used the add-on to get the key code and then added mod="longpress" to the keymap file:

      <key id="61620">info</key>
      <key mod="longpress" id="16838845">stop</key>
      <key mod="longpress" id="16838845">stop</key>
      <key id="16838845">stop</key>

Unfortunately that doesn't work. When I longpress the start/pause button I get the same result as when I press the 'info' button.

What am I missing here?

// FvW
Instead of
   <key mod="longpress" id="16838845">stop</key>
    <play_pause mod="longpress">stop</play_pause>

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Can't get longpress feature to work to remap start/pause button to stop function0