Multiple Kodi clients no longer sync'ing watch status
I have 3 TV's (1 Google TV, 2 with Chromecasts), two x Win 11 PC's and my Google Pixel phone all running Kodi. One of those Win 11 PC's is my 'media server', on this I set up MariaDB (v10.11 currently) for sharing the Kodi db. All the clients have the advancedsettings.xml set up to point to the central db.

This has been working well for over a year now to keep my watched status and resume point for TV Shows in sync across all the clients (which is probably the wrong way around to put it but you know what I mean). But a couple of weeks ago 2 of my TV's no longer have the correct watch status...the media centre and other PC and my main TV are correct, but two of my TV's are showing old info. e.g. for a new TV show I'm watching the 3 correct clients show 3 of 8 watched but the other two TV's show 1 of 8.

All the Kodi versions are the same, 21.0-BETA2 (20.90.821). I don't have any extra user profiles set up. The artwork is ok across all clients, and when a new show downloads it shows up across all clients, it's just the watched status. I'm sure this is something simple but would appreciate any ideas on what to check? The advancedsettings.xml files all have:
Sorry, looks like I've sorted this...I just realised I'd put a dev build on the two TV's that had migrated the database to 'myvideos125' on startup and were using that rather than the 124 the others were using. My bad. Will downgrade Kodi on those two TV's. I missed it initially because the Build numbers are the same, only the Compiled date was different...wasn't til I spotted the two db's in MariaDB that I realised what I'd done.

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Multiple Kodi clients no longer sync'ing watch status0