Solved Menu backdrop / transparency messed up

Somewhere down the line some of my menu's and "menu backdrop" got messed up. Without doing a fresh install could somebody maybe point me to the right direction:

TV Show episodes, the text is directly on the fanart:
TV Shows

Power menu no black box behind the text:
Power menu

Resume no black box behing the text:

I have a second working installation in the livingroom, with the same skin and version of Kodi. So if somebody could point me to the right (xml) file and possibly the code I could maybe do a compare in notepad+. 

Ps tried to embed the screenshots but couldn't get it to work.
Fixed it! was the Textures.xbt file, used an older frankenstein scope version. And probably it was not completely "compatible" with latest Aeon Nox Silvo build.
Compiled a new version of the Textures.xbt from the updated Silvo version and all ok again!

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Menu backdrop / transparency messed up0