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v20 Aeon MQ 8 for Nexus Mod
Hmm...try this just to test the image. Open Home.xml and find "HomeFanartMusic"...it's near the top. Right below that include add this...
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" end="75" condition="System.IdleTime(0)">Conditional</animation>

Open Kodi and see if the frost image appears.
So the test works ..
I added frost to another control for snow. Open latts_includes.xml and find "WeatherEffects". Change the first control under that to this...
<control type="group">
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(EnableWeatherEffects) + Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,13) | Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,14) | Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,15) | Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,16) | Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,41) | Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,42) | Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,43) | Integer.IsEqual(Weather.FanartCode,46)</visible>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" end="75" condition="System.IdleTime(0)">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="fade" end="25" condition="System.IdleTime(0)">Conditional</animation>
@latts9923 Your a genius 👏 !! Working perfectly now 👌 ..As always Thank you buddy you did it again. I really love this skin, funny thing is when i first came to MQ 8 i was so used to the centered look from other builds i had a hard time getting used to it, Now i like it so much i dont want to got back to centered with the MQ 9 😅
You have it looking pretty awesome tho . Do you think MQ 9 is the way to go ? Cant seem to make up my mind lol ..
You're welcome...glad I could figure out the problem!

MQ 8 was my go to as well. It took me some time to get used to it, but MQ 9 is now my default skin. The Multi-Mod for it has come a long way. One simple thing I like about it is that I can access the General Settings from any menu item.
UPDATE #14 - This will update the skin to v1.0.1.4

Image Additions
  • I added the frost image to another control for snow. It should now display for those that were not seeing the image. Thanks to martinsvision for letting me know!
  • I added a "webdl" videocodec and case option to SKIN SETTINGS > MEDIA CASE. Thanks to perspicacia for the request!

*This update will require a skin reset for new settings to be forced to settings.xml. To keep from losing your current settings, make sure you export your skin settings (SKIN SETTINGS > RESTORE SETTINGS > EXPORT SKIN SETTINGS) before you install the update. After installing the update you will need to reset the skin and then import the latest settings export.
UPDATE #15 - This will update the skin to v1.0.1.5

Image Additions
  • I added the following studio icons...B2B, Babe Films, Bangor Films, Basque Films, Bathysphere Productions, MGM+ and MGM+ Studios. Thanks to andrzejls for the request to add MGM+.

Image Bug fix
  • The new webdl video case was not displaying in some views. Thanks to perspicacia for letting me know!

There is also an update to the Coloured and White Studio Icons add-ons available in my repo.
Hi everyone !

It seems impossible to auto sort movies by duration.
"Collection/Change view"  ---> "Sort by duration"+"sort by ascending" -----------> that works fine, but Kodi doesn't remember this setting. So each time I launch Kodi, I have to make a quick switch "Sort by descending"/"Sort by ascending" to force Kodi to sort my movies correctly.

How to have permanently my movies sorted by duration ?
Your sort method (per skin) should be saved in the ViewModes*.db database file. If I set it to sort Movies by duration in MQ 8, close and re-open Kodi, the sort method is still showing as duration in MQ 8.
Thank you for your answer !

My ViewModes*.db (ViewModes6.db) doesn't contain anything about SortMethod or SortOrder.
Is it normal?

Should I modify the ViewModes*.db ? If yes, where can I find informations about how to do that ?
You don't have a view table when you open the database? That's odd. You could try closing Kodi, moving your ViewModes file to another location and open Kodi again to create a new ViewModes file. It will be empty, but you should see a view table. If you change your sort order, you should see a new listing in your view table.
(Ooops, it seems that I simply tried to open the ViewModes6.db file with geany , and it just open the last file I open with geany, and I thought that was the ViewModes6.db file.)

So I open the ViewModes6.db file with DBbrowser, I see the view table.
But I don't know what to do next.

When I change the sort order, Kodi keep it in memory, that's ok, but the problem is that the sort order "duration - ascending" is wrong : some files are not at the correct place.
Example :
File  : 1h00 / File : 1h05 / File  : 1h01 / File  : 1h03
I have to switch to "descending" and the "ascending again, to have the correct order :
File  : 1h00 / File  : 1h01 / File : 1h03 / File : 1h05

The settings "sort by duration"+"ascending" is saved, and is the same every time I launch Kodi, but the display order is not really ascending. It's just approximately ascending. The only way to have a correct and exact ascending order showed is to set the order to "descending" and then to "ascending" again.
Will Mq8 get the Extras notifications to show there are Extras for the movie ?
And will it get any of the multi displayed art like the multi keyart ect..
Really dragging my feet going to MQ9 because i like the sub menus and the animated menus bars with the weather of the MQ8
I reproduced this sorting problem with the Estuary skin as well. It looks like this has been fixed in Omega.

The Movie Versions and Extras icons only work for Omega.

You have an "EXTRA KEYART" option for the Top Menu "CASE ART" setting in the Right List view.
Hello, I can't install this skin version. There are always problems during install with some over dependencies like e.g. color picker.
How I can solve that?
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