I did find a few minutes to get my new Raspberry Pi 5 built, LibreElec loaded and had Kodi sync with my Mezzmo database (~22k items). Total build time was about an hour or so. My initial testing with it has been surprisingly good and I've updated my endpoint
performance Wiki page. Right now the Raspberry Pi 5 is the fastest device I have tested rendering a 150 item playlist at 106 items/sec. This is over 5Ghz wireless and is faster than my PC, Intel i7 NUC and others which are 1Gig Ethernet connected. This aligns to the optimizations mentioned for the Raspberry Pi 5.
The database sync time was almost as fast as my desktop PC running Kodi with an SSD and came in at around 9 minutes . The Raspberry Pi is running off of an SD card. I have an NVME hat coming and will try moving the Kodi database to it to see if there is a performance boost. My Raspberry Pi 4 testing for the same database sync was 19 minutes.
I tested full bitrate h264 1080P and full bitrate h265 UHD 4K, including the John Wick 2 car chase scene which hits over 100mbps. The highest CPU utilization I have seen is around 15% when playing 1080P Blu-Ray h264 rips, which the Raspberry Pi 5 renders in software. Full bitrate h265 CPU utilization was about 5% and I confirmed HW decoding is being used. I also tested 1080i MPEG2 12mbps OTA streams and CPU utilization was low and playback smooth. There were no issues with FF/RW, jumps or skips with any playback and again this was all over 5Ghz WiFi from my Mezzmo server.
I haven't done anything with audio pass-through testing yet, since this was all done in a few minutes using a computer monitor with speakers. I'll try to find some time to do additional audio testing.
Overall I am pleasantly surprised at the performance of the Raspberry Pi 5.