Sorting movies in a set
I have a question about sorting movies that are part of a set. I know this has probably been covered many times in other threads.

What I would like to do is sort the movies just in their individual sets so that they appear in chronological order. I know that there is a sort title option available but I would like that to only apply to the movies in sets not the entire library when I view all my movies in alphabetical order. Does anyone have any ideas?
(2024-02-21, 03:08)Alex87 Wrote: Does anyone have any ideas?
Not really.
The Sort option is the only way to sort within a movie set but, as you have discovered, it also affects other listings.

For many sets, the movies start with Captain America (for example), so it is easy to sort those, and you don't really notice the incorrect alphabetical listing in other views as they are all Captain America.

But with Star Wars, it does matter because movies will be out of order in listings
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)

In this case, I prefix all the movies in the set with Star Wars...
Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005)

And the Sort Order will be
Star Wars 01
Star Wars 02
Star Wars 03

And in my listings, I know I can find all the Star Wars movies under "S"

Which movies and set are you having issues with?
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Thanks for the reply

With some of the movies, for example Star Wars which are grouped together, I might have to use the sort order to sort them.

Other movies that don't contain the set name in their title or the sequels/prequels aren't numbered, like James Bond, these are harder to sort. So even though I'd like to keep these in alphabetical order when viewing all titles, sorting them just in their set can be a little harder.
(2024-02-22, 00:22)Alex87 Wrote: Other movies that don't contain the set name in their title or the sequels/prequels aren't numbered, like James Bond, these are harder to sort. So even though I'd like to keep these in alphabetical order when viewing all titles, sorting them just in their set can be a little harder.
What is the sort order for the Bond movies? Is it just release year? You could change to Year sorting from the left sideblade menu.

The other option is Movie Universes...
It will create a set/universe to order the movies, but have no effect on your library listing.
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I didn't know anything about the universe option, I might have a look into it. As I said in my previous post about sorting the James Bond set, I did think that sorting by year as you suggested.

I'll try universes and see how I go with sorting movies which can't easily be sorted by title or year. Otherwise if it's too hard to configure universes, I might have to go back to sort order, for those movies that are grouped together in alphabetical order. As in the example you mentioned earlier about Star Wars.
(2024-02-21, 03:52)Karellen Wrote: But with Star Wars, it does matter because movies will be out of order in listings
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Revenge of the Sith (2005)

In this case, I prefix all the movies in the set with Star Wars...
Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005)
title Sortorder could be
Star Wars 1999
Star Wars 2002
Star Wars 2005
same results and works for titles even when you do not customize the title
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Kodi Blog Posts
What you can do is set a sort title specifically for each movie within its set. This way, when you sort alphabetically, it won't affect the entire library, just the movies within their respective sets. It's a bit manual since you have to edit each movie's metadata, but it keeps things neat and in order.
Try using collections or tags in your media software to group movie sets and arrange them chronologically within those groups without affecting your alphabetical view of the entire library.

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