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Need More Genres (TMDB)
Hello everyone,
I've been having trouble for several months moving forward with the creation of the "Documentary" and "Cartoon" parts of a Skin. I need to create widgets to categorize documentaries, but unfortunately on TMDB there are very few ways to do this, as there are only 2 genres available to identify them. Additionally, I also can't find an easy way to create smart lists that group Anime together. So I made a request on TMDB which you will find below. Do you have another idea to get around this limit? If any of you also feel the need to add genres, please feel free to support my request:
As a suggestion, you might want to consider installing the metadata editor from the official Kodi repo.
This addon lets you edit most of the metadata fields available in the movie and Tv show libraries, including genre. I use it all the time for creating my own custom genres so that I can group movies and TV shows together. Then all I have to do is go to the genre category widget to display them in the regular library view.

You just need to select the context menu when you are on a title you want to edit, then select metadata editor from the available options and a new dialog will appear with all the fields available to edit. 
Hope this helps
Thanks for this solution. I'll take a look. But I would like it to benefit all users. The Manga genre, for example, seems useful to me for everyone. Don't you think it would be more relevant to add this to the source?
Well, I guess you always have the option to create a user account on the TMDB site (if you don't have one already).
Users can then add new titles and edit existing data already there, since everything is community driven.
However, just because you may think a new genre is relevant and a good idea, the moderators on the TMDB site may not share the same opinion and might remove it.
Anyway, you have a couple of options now  Wink
You want to create menu items that link directly to Documentaries and Cartoons, but you can't sort the documentaries and cartoons because the scraping does not add the correct tags? Is that correct?
Are these documentary and cartoon video files saved locally on your hard drives?

Why don't you save the documentaries into one source. Save the cartoons into another Source. Then point to those sources instead of trying to filter by genre?
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(2024-03-08, 20:16)Karellen Wrote: You want to create menu items that link directly to Documentaries and Cartoons, but you can't sort the documentaries and cartoons because the scraping does not add the correct tags? Is that correct?
Are these documentary and cartoon video files saved locally on your hard drives?

Why don't you save the documentaries into one source. Save the cartoons into another Source. Then point to those sources instead of trying to filter by genre?
Yes for the moment it is a local database. So pointing to the files is exactly what I did while waiting to find something better. Because this is not really suitable in the long term. I am trying to create a system that is as autonomous as possible, which requires little human intervention, with the aim of making the interface accessible to the general public. So that I only have to take care of the content on the TMDB side, by filling in the information correctly and precisely. This is how Netflix works, and this is how I see the future of Kodi. Thanks Karellen
(2024-03-08, 17:56)Dumyat Wrote: As a suggestion, you might want to consider installing the metadata editor from the official Kodi repo.
This addon lets you edit most of the metadata fields available in the movie and Tv show libraries, including genre. I use it all the time for creating my own custom genres so that I can group movies and TV shows together. Then all I have to do is go to the genre category widget to display them in the regular library view.

You just need to select the context menu when you are on a title you want to edit, then select metadata editor from the available options and a new dialog will appear with all the fields available to edit. 
Hope this helps
Yes, it is precisely out of fear of seeing it disappear that I was looking for support from Kodi to support my request here.

Thank you for these solutions in any case.
Do you know if it is possible to create smart lists using the "keywords" referenced in TMDB?
(2024-03-08, 22:48)Bindou Wrote: using the "keywords"
Keywords in TMDB = Tags in Kodi
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[font]Hello! I use tinyMediaManager for my local collection, with this program you can change the genres and do it in bulk if you have a lot of videos[/font]

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Need More Genres (TMDB)0