2023-07-27, 00:48
^Thanks for the info and getting back to me.
(2023-07-27, 00:33)gujal Wrote: The entire site has been rewritten with javascript all around. Have to redo the main menu completely.@gujal
Search still works as I had coded it 3 months ago for the new mechanism
(2023-09-16, 18:32)barney63 Wrote: So what if you don't know what you want to watch and just want to browse to see what's available ie channel surf. What if I want to see a certain category listing of similar shows, a search is not designed for that.You are onto something I did not think about. In the mean time I use my phone to surf through the archive and then pass to the addon via search
Let's not handcuff people who want to add functionality and user friendliness. Ask for features and let the developer tell you what they are willing to do or not do.
When I was testing the CBC Sports addon for jbinkley60 he kept adding functionality far beyond what I originally would have been happy with and made it a very good addon.
(2024-03-25, 12:05)barney63 Wrote: @gujalIs The World at War a search term or a collection? As the addon is now using full api, there are thumbnails missing for quite a few items. On a web browser, these get a 404 and the javascript then populates a generic icon for those items. Didnt want to replicate that as I am pulling 100 items at a time and it would mean I would then have to make a 100 calls to see which thumbs are available before setting up the listitem.
Can't thank you enough for this good ending to a frustrating night. Timing couldn't be better as I have been rebuilding my setup with the latest Kodi and Windows 10 (yuck). After very little preliminary testing the addon seems to be working well. The only very nitpicky issue I've seen is I added The World at War to My Favourites and the the graphic for it is the generic star whereas before it was a proper screenshot. Early days I know for being so nitpicky but I guess that shows what a good job was done for an alpha release. Search also worked well.
Thanks gujal.
(2024-03-26, 02:54)barney63 Wrote: @gujal
But when I tried to play them from the My Favourites link, the listing showed up (as normal) but Eps 3 and 9 (the ones I tested) would only play audio but no video.