Solved Stereo upmix bug
I can confirm this issue.

To reproduce:
- set output to any multichannel mode (3.1 in my case)
- enable stereo upmix
- play a file with stereo soundtrack

Expected result:
- audio plays upmixed to all front speakers in my 3.1 setup

Actual result:
- audio plays only on front center and front right speaker, front left is silent

This issue is present in version 21.0.
This issue was definitely not present on 20.4, very likely also not on 20.5 (though I had 20.5 running only for a very short time).

I can't provide logs atm, since I'm running CoreElec in the living room with logs disabled to reduce flash storage wear, and I don't have a test setup in place currently (family would kill me if I started using the living room setup for playing around and debugging). I turned off stereo upmix for now, familiy will likely not even notice that the center speaker is missing, as opposed to the left speaker ;-)

(Now look at that, after years of silence on this forum, I come back, and all I have to say is "I can confirm this issue, but can't even provide logs." Sad.)
Nothing is going to get done until someone actually formally reports the issue to and provides logs preferable both logs from a working version as well as logs from v21.
I've made s bug report at GitHub.
But still not debug log
It looks like issue has been found. If people are willing to test I can create test builds.
Fix is already merged so will be in the v21.1 nightly builds so keep on a new Win 64 build appearing in and for Win 32
Oops, missed that...
Yes, can confirm, working fine again now.
This is great news.  I'll be able to test it when it is Omega 21.1 merged with LibreElec.  Looking forward to it.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Tested with latest v22 nightly, it worked.
Thread marked solved.
LibreELEC 12.0.1 with Kodi 21.1 just came out.  I can confirm this issue is resolved now on my N100 client.  It is nice having my left front speaker back with stereo upmix and 2ch audio content Smile

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.

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