v21 Streaming Aljzeera?
Is there a good, legal and officially supported way to stream Aljazeera live on Omega? I've seen some options involving dubious third-party add-ons, but I'd like to stay away from those for obvious reasons. Aljazeera is "free to air" so there's no subscription-dodging involved. I also don't see anything in their online T&C statement that would prohibit this. But I may be wrong, of course. I do see Aljazeera mentioned in older posts, but not much after 2017.

All suggestions appreciated!

// FvW
I'm just using https://live-hls-web-aje.getaj.net/AJE/index.m3u8
(2024-05-28, 20:54)vitusson Wrote: I'm just using https://live-hls-web-aje.getaj.net/AJE/index.m3u8
How do I integrate that into the navigation in the Kodi UI and/or menu's? Sorry, I'm a bit confused here... Undecided How do I use this file?

// FvW

  1. Create a text file.
  2. Paste into it:
  3. Save the text file as aljazeera.strm
  4. Place the aljazeera.strm in your kodi video folder.
make a file with

#EXTINF:-1, AlJazeera Livestream

in it and name it "AlJazeera.m3u" for instance.
Now you can open it in Kodi like any other stream file

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