Kodi 21.0 and Mediaportal 2.5
Hi, since upgrading to KODI Omega 21.0 (21.0.1), the PVR client (21.0.2) does not connect to the MediaPortal backend for live TV. It hangs on Creating PVR clients: 0%. I'm using MediaPortal 2 (2.5) and the Mediaportal kodi server plugin Please can you assist? Thanks.
I use Mediaportal PVR client 21.0.2 in Kodi Omega (latest nightly), but as backend the latest Mediaportal 1.34 pre-release.
Live TV only works for me if I turn on "RTPS" in the add-on settings.
Timeshifting is not realy working. I can pause and restart, but I can't pause for a long time and rewind or fast forward is even worse because those actions does make kodi unresponsive.

I have installed also Mediaportal 2.5 in combination with TV Engine 3.5. This works in Windows for not encrypted channels.
But didn't tried it through kodi, because with this version I didn't succeed to watch encrypted channels till now.
I use Mediaportal PVR client 21.0.2 in Kodi Omega current (also works with latest nightly), with Mediaportal 2.5 as backend.
I compiled a new plugin DLL for MP2.5, more info here: https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.mediapor...2071424260

I now can confirm.

Yesterday I did the setup of Mediaportal 2.5 again and switched from TVserver 3.5 to TVserver 3.
I installed your compiled new plugin for MP2.5  to connect to Kodi.
Started the latest nightly Kodi Omega and configured and activated the Mediaportal plugin in KODI.
The connenction to the Mediaportal TVserver was made and the channelist was downloaded. I can tune to channels.

But the same remarks as before:
- in the kodi plugin I have to choose TSreader + RTSP on ( TSreader and RTSP off or choosing ffmpeg instead of TSreader does not show channel)
- timeshifting (go forward /  go back) is not working
- pausing is working for some little time, but if pausing for a long time this does kodi hang
Thanks @Calvi. I installed the new Kodi plugin DLL for MP2.5, and the Kodi PVR client (21.0.2) is now working fine.   The config is not consistent though.  As @w8andc has pointed out, with Kodi running on the same host as the backend, I have to select "Use RTSP streaming" for the client to work.   With the client on another Windows host, this is not required and can be switched off.   On a Chromecast with Google TV device, again I have to select "Use RTSP streaming" for the client to work.  I also note that on the Chromecast device the Kodi client always fails the first time one selects a TV stream.  If you then return to the main menu, select any function, then return to TV and select a stream from the guide, it works the second time.  It's not a big deal, but the behaviour is strange.  Thanks both for your assistance on this.

I do have a further question that the Kodi plugin DLL for MP2.5 is using the old TVE3 Server.  Are there any plans to update the plugin to be compatible with TV3.5 and new .NET releases?

Many thanks for your time.
Has anyone noticed differences between the TV connections from Windows 10, or 11 (both x64)?
On the actual TV server I am running Windows 10 Pro, MediaPortal TV Server 1.33 (x86) with TVServerKodi plugin, Kodi 21 (Git:20240406-60c4500054) and MediaPortal PVR Client 21.0.2 and all is working well.
The other clients are Windows 11 with exact same versions and not playing TV. EPG and such are working fine however.

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Kodi 21.0 and Mediaportal 2.50