2024-06-02, 00:55
Is the xbmc.Monitor onNotification callback supposed to be called when a different script sends a JSONRPC.NotifyAll? I'm trying to capture that from plugin.video.youtube but I don't seem to get it. When I turn on json-rpc logging I see
so I assume Kodi is getting it from youtube addon.
scott s.
JSONRPC: Incoming request: {"method": "JSONRPC.NotifyAll", "params": {"sender": "plugin.video.youtube", "message": "PlaybackStarted", "data": {"video_id": "ncFSKnYs5Px", "channel_id": "UCIpafUHTlO8Lp1ItnKbpYmx", "status": {"unlisted": false, "private": false, "crawlable": true, "family_safe": false, "live": false}}}, "jsonrpc": "2.0"}
scott s.