Adding STRMs to Kodi
Can someone help me with STRMs,
I have worked out (Finally) how to make a STRM file.
I can play it through the file section in Kodi, and It works, But how do you add it as media to Kodi.
Do you add it as A Movie or a TV show? I can't for the life of me figure that bit out. I seem to make everyone angry when I ask about this, but I just can't get it.
All I want to do Is get a STRM into a Kodi Smart Playlist.
Is that Possible or am I still in the Wrong Lane Again?
(2024-06-16, 11:52)OzDrDj Wrote: STRM into a Kodi Smart Playlist.
Stream files are not a 'video' or 'movie', they are just URL links, and are best handled as an add-on or as you have discovered in the file mode section ( I suppose you could use favourites or a 3rd party add-on like 'ShortList' by kcook ) Smart playlists only work with library listings, so give up on that. I'm a little unsure if nodes calling favourites in this fashion, but it's worth a shot. Video nodes (wiki) Do you have stream file in a folder of it's own name?, if so place a jpeg image called 'folder.jpg' in the folder for some imagery.
Lol. Thanks Pat, looks like i'm barking up the wrong tree again.
You have asked this question before, and the last time I answered you, you ridiculed me because I pointed to an "unhelpful" wiki page.
Well, here is the wiki page again...
You are a long time, and somewhat advanced user. You really should be able to figure it out from the description in the wiki page. In Kodi strm is just another video format like mkv or mp4

As for movie/tv show... well doesn't that depend on where you want it in your library and the type of nfo file you create?
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Hi Karellen,

Thanks for the reply, First, Sorry for Before, I do suffer from Anger Issues, and am now on Medication for such, but that's my dilemma. I seem to upset a lot of people around here and it is not my intention, I just get annoyed, probably with myself for the most at my lack of knowledge, so again, I am sorry, please forgive my past behaviour. I am trying my best to understand this stuff and learn.

Anyhow, Yes I am still trying to work this all out, I give up for a while and work on other things then get back around to this. I am certainly getting closer today for sure. I figured out the STRM from a different Wiki Page which made a bit more sense to me.
Example the first one I saw
Vs, the second one.
Which as you can see has a bit more detail.
Anyway, What you said above, finally sunk in. STRM is just another video format. So treat it as such.
Thats the STRM, I am doing this as I am Writing, to make sure I get it all right. Added as a TV Show and it wouldn't work, However...... WHAT THE....... HOLY COW, I Made something work.
Ok, so, I added the STRM to a Movie Folder, Made up artwork and an NFO. Scanned to library, and there is Damn Well Is. Click on the Movie, BAM, there is my YouTube Playlist. playing as If it were a Movie.
Shock and Awe. I am stopping for the Day, As I can't believe I got something to work.
Thank You So Much for your help and Patience, I think Im 99% of the way to achieving my Goal. 
(2024-06-17, 07:37)OzDrDj Wrote: Added as a TV Show and it wouldn't work,
Just to be clear TV Shows are not a playable media. Episodes are playable. So, if you are trying to add it to your tv show library, then create a tv show, then you need to add episodes for the strm files.
Remember the naming S01E01 which is required for episodes.

(2024-06-17, 07:37)OzDrDj Wrote: Ok, so, I added the STRM to a Movie Folder, Made up artwork and an NFO. Scanned to library, and there is Damn Well Is.
Fantastic. Yep, that is all that is needed - a valid nfo file and artwork. This assumes the item is not listed at a scraper site. If it is listed, then you can scrape it like you do other movies.
nfo file templates...

(2024-06-17, 07:37)OzDrDj Wrote: Thanks for the reply, First, Sorry for Before, I do suffer from Anger Issues, and am now on Medication for such, but that's my dilemma. I seem to upset a lot of people around here and it is not my intention, I just get annoyed, probably with myself for the most at my lack of knowledge, so again, I am sorry, please forgive my past behaviour. I am trying my best to understand this stuff and learn.
No problems then. Lets forget and move on. Wink
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