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Unaltered Background Images
Hey everyone,

This is my forst post here, as I'm new new to the Kodi world with my current Libreelec Project, which I love it so far. I chose Arctic: Zephyr for my projects skin, but I'm stuck at a fairly simple issue...

I have a visual concept for my menus, but in order to have it look nicely, I need those backround images at 100% brightness and crisp & sharp. Right now I can set it to 75% max (why is an otion of 100% not granted anyway?) and the images look like they've got some compression artifacts. I've rendered the images in 4K but also downsized them to HD, to see if this helps – didn't.

Am I missing something or is there a workaround to have an unaltered backround image for each menu point?

Thank you guys!
Hello and welcome.

(2024-05-26, 22:33)sqratch Wrote: the images look like they've got some compression artifacts. I've rendered the images in 4K but also downsized them to HD, to see if this helps – didn't.
Make sure you are using the 9999 setting as detailed here...
Otherwise the images are being reduced to (IIRC) 720px

As for the brightness issue, sorry can't help there.
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thank you, that is at least something to start with
Hello, this is my first post too! Been using Kodi and Arctic Zephyr for years and love it.

In addition to OP's question I too would prefer the brightness at 100%/grey cloudy filter removed. I just got an LG OLED TV for the first time and its beautiful.
The skin would look so much better agaisnt a dark background with the color scheme I have selected. But the blurry filter literally mimics the backlight bleed you get on regular LED TV's.
Is it possible to get these 2 options (full res background, no background blurring/fuzziness) added as a setting within the skin itself?

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