A-B repeat, like on the 360
17 years later I'm reaching this topic with the exact same request.

I don't care about 95% of the features kodi comes with. The vast majority of the features in such a huge program are only useful for some people. It's a pity nobody had enough interest yet to make this feature a reality.
(2024-07-11, 13:37)daniel.sousa.me Wrote: only useful for some people
That's a pretty big number. Personally I don't see a need for mark & loop other than ads or porn (use a video editor) but Kodi has offered jumping to bookmarks, repeat, infinite repeat and queue for the longest while. (some of these features are implemented in different skins with slight variations of function) Think you might have to articulate your case needs, to better understand this long standing request.
Need is a very strong word, but I'd like to be able to set 2 points in the video (usually a few seconds apart) and the player just keeps looping the video between them. In mpv I just need to hit the L key on both points. In VLC you need to show advanced controls first, but then it's also just Shift+L. This reminds me of another feature that shows up there and sometimes I miss in Kodi: being able to play the video frame by frame (also trivial in both players)

Anyway, don't take any of this as a complaint. Kodi is by far (like reeeeaally far) the best software there is for the use-case I give it and I'm very grateful to all the people that have contributed to it.
(2024-07-11, 20:44)daniel.sousa.me Wrote: This reminds me of another feature that shows up there and sometimes I miss in Kodi: being able to play the video frame by frame (also trivial in both players)


Allows control of music and videos. The command may be one of Play, Stop, Forward, Rewind, Next, Previous, BigSkipForward, BigSkipBackward, SmallSkipForward, SmallSkipBackward, FrameAdvance(#), TempoUp, TempoDown, Tempo(value), Random, RandomOn, RandomOff, Repeat, RepeatOne, RepeatAll, RepeatOff, Partymode(music) or Partymode(video) or Partymode(path to .xsp file) or Reset.
Play will either pause, resume, or stop ffwding or rewinding. Random toggles random playback and Repeat cycles through the repeat modes (these both take an optional second parameter, Notify, that notifies the user of the new state). Partymode(music/video) toggles the appropriate partymode, defaults to music if no parameter is given, besides the default music or video partymode you can also pass a path to a custom smartplaylist (.xsp) as parameter. Reset only applies to games and will reset the currently playing game.
(2024-07-11, 20:44)daniel.sousa.me Wrote: play the video frame by frame (also trivial in both players)
Kodi is flexible enough that it allows external players that might have the trivial capabilities you need. Sure I wish that Kodi had video editing capabilities, Adobe support for free, ingratiation with Photo-shop, Vector image creation etc.. but to put all that together over a multitude of platforms might be a big ask, doesn't stop us from asking, but let's try and keep the word 'trivial' in perspective.

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A-B repeat, like on the 3600