DialogVideoInfo opens for items which most likely aren't intended for it

while skin testing on multiple Kodi generations i noticed that Kodi 20 and - going a bit further - Kodi 21 seems to allow the "Video Information Dialog" (DialogVideoInfo.xml) to be openened via the "I"-key where you don't expect it.

Random Kodi 21 examples:

Kodi Movie DB > Years > focus a year > press "I" > Almost empty, potentially unwanted DialogVideoInfo opens

When trying the same on Kodi 20, a confirm-dialog opens, telling the user "No information available" which can be confirmed with "OK".

Best scenario would possibly be that there is no way at all to open the dialog and also having no confirm dialog.

This seems to happen for the following content types:

Genres, Years, Actors, Tags, Countries, Studios, Directors, (Sets)

I'd assume that only "Sets" might be an itended legit item which the dialog is to be allowed for - since it has a context menu entry "Information"
(at least on Kodi 21, Kodi 20 and 19 have no such context menu entry despite the dialog being allowed. Kodi 18 does not have the info dialog for Sets yet(?) at all, which would indicate changes were introduced and progressed with Kodi 19-21).

A skin-workaround (DialogVideoInfo.xml) on Kodi 21 could possibly be something like:

<onload condition="Container.Content(Genres) | Container.Content(Years) | Container.Content(Actors) | Container.Content(Tags) | Container.Content(Countries) | Container.Content(Studios) | Container.Content(Directors)">dialog.close(movieinformation,true)</onload>

Might be an issue which got introduced with changes on Kodi (19/)20/21 where we also now have a Video Information Dialog for "Seasons" (Kodi 21)

(Maybe also see fixed PR: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/25276 https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/25217 )

Thanks for any input.

⬅️⬅️ Leave 👍 on useful posts  ·  axbmcuser REPO (Easy install)  ·  Confluence ZEITGEIST (intuitive UI for Kodi)
I have a custom info dialog for actors in my skin, so would prefer the skin change myself and not change core.

scott s.
If i understand correctly, this does not affect an actors dialog you're referring to.

If "Actors" in fact is a dialog type which is intended by Kodi core to be allowed for DialogVideoInfo and/or DialogMusicInfo, it'll be still allowed after a potential fix and ideally is also correctly represented in context menu with a "(Show) information" entry.

My post in general refers to the noticed mixed issues and irregularities which seemingly got introduced in context of the core changes over the last few generations.

Just wanted to document the issue and ask around - i personally don't mind fixing it via skin workarounds as i already did in the last weeks.

That being said - i don't know of any other skin (including Estuary) which includes similar workarounds yet which means that - at the moment - any casual Kodi user is able to confusingly open all these described "broken" dialogs.

⬅️⬅️ Leave 👍 on useful posts  ·  axbmcuser REPO (Easy install)  ·  Confluence ZEITGEIST (intuitive UI for Kodi)
Should be fixed for v22 once https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/25482 got merged. Backport of the fix for v21 is also planned.
Oh - that's great. Thanks for the info.
⬅️⬅️ Leave 👍 on useful posts  ·  axbmcuser REPO (Easy install)  ·  Confluence ZEITGEIST (intuitive UI for Kodi)
Too bad.  Breaks a feature I was using in a plugin to display actor data in the video info dialog such as a panel of actor's movies (needs skin support).

Longer description / feature retention request:

I wrote a plugin that I use to create filtered lists of actors.  The filter criteria are pulled from a local db created as a sort of analog to music artist info.  (scraping and db management are handled outside of this plugin.)  The plugin uses this to populate listitem properties which I can skin in the video info dialog currently.  Just displaying info could be done within videos window, but using video info dialog I can exploit skin features that already exist for the dialog.

scott s.

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DialogVideoInfo opens for items which most likely aren't intended for it0